MinePay - Pay Players For Mining Ores!


Short Description

MinePay is a plugin that allows you to pay players a configurable amount when they mine a certain ore.
It makes mining a much more useful experience for players as they are not only gathering resources they are earning money too.
On mine of iron or gold ore they drop ingots rather than ore.
When ore is mined with silk touch enchantment the payout does not happen.


Vault is essential for MinePay to run, you MUST have it.
A permissions plugin is HIGHLY recommended. Recommendation: PermissionsEX
Without a permissions plugin, all commands, and payouts are only usable by operators.
Finally you MUST have some kind of economy system on your server, such as Essentials Economy, iConomy etc.


When you install MinePay it will create a directory called MinePay and inside it, config.yml.

diamond: 300
gold: 100
iron: 50
lapis: 25
emerald: 300
coal: 5
redstone: 25
quartz: 10

This is the default config that is generated, you can change any of the values to be paid out on mine of the specified ore.


/minepay - Displays command list for MinePay.

/minepay reload - Reloads the MinePay configuration file.

/minepay rewards - Displays the rewards list.


minepay.reward - Allows player to receive payout on mine of ores.
minepay.minepay - Allows access to the /minepay command.
minepay.reload - Allows access to the /minepay reload command.
minepay.rewards - Allows access to the /minepay rewards command.


  • Make payout message configurable.

Servers Running MinePay

You can post your server HERE if you run MinePay, and I will try and check your server out :)

- You can recognise me by the name of 301power when I join your server :)


Got a suggestion for a feature that you think should be added to the plugin?
Let me know down in the comment section, if i like it I will add it to the planning section.

Plugin Review

The fellow players from the Funcoland server decided to make a plugin review!

Make sure to check out their server too: funcoland.gotgeeks.com

I couldn't embed the video, so heres the link instead: MinePay Review


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