Minepacks is a backpack plugin with different backpack sizes, multilanguage and MySQL storage support. It is a simple plugin, but still has a lot of functions.
Now also on spigot.org!
- Configuration
- Backpack size controlled by permissions
- Auto item-collect on full inventory (can be enabled in the config)
- Multiple storage back-ends (Files, SQLite, MySQL)
- Multi language support (multiple language file included)
- Item filter (block items from being stored in the backpack)
- Preserves the NBT data of items (everything that can be stored in a chest can be stored in the backpack)
- Support for name changing / UUIDs
- Auto-updater
- API for developers
- Java 8
- Bukkit, Spigot or Paper for Minecraft 1.7 or newer
- (Optional) PCGF PluginLib (Advantages of using the PCGF PluginLib)
- /backpack help - Lists all the commands of this plugin.
- /backpack - Opens the players backpack.
- /backpack clean - Removes all items from the players backpack.
- /backpack clean <playername> - Removes all items from another players backpack.
- /backpack <playername> - Shows the backpack of another player.
- backpack.* - Gives access to the full MinePacks functionality. (for admins)
- backpack.use - Allows a player to open the backpack.
- backpack.fullpickup - Allows the player to automatically pick up items when their inventory is full (function needs to be enabled in the config)
- backpack.size.1 - Mini size for a backpack, if the player has backpack permission he will also have at least a backpack with the size 1.
- backpack.size.2 - 2*9 backpack
- backpack.size.3 - 3*9 backpack
- backpack.size.4 - 4*9 backpack
- backpack.size.5 - 5*9 backpack
- backpack.size.6 - 6*9 backpack
- backpack.clean - Allows the player to clean their own backpack.
- backpack.clean.other - Allows the player to clean other players backpacks.
- backpack.others - Allows the player open backpacks of other players.
- backpack.others.edit - Allows the player to edit backpacks of other players.
- backpack.keepOnDeath - Allows the player to keep their items in their backpack on death.
- backpack.noCooldown - Allows to bypass the cooldown to open the backpack.
You can find the full list of permissions as well as their default states in the wiki
Support the plugin:
Developing a plugin like this requires a lot of time. If you like it please consider supporting it with a small donation.
Bitcoin: 3QLAjcZ8CX2E9EayV2D8ACBS5rWf8fY1Lr
Ethereum: 0x0B384d9c99280a9fCDE7DbfF4Ae2A77Cfb227DB9
Litecoin: MX6iPkP52rJu4CXtLRM1gWK7VBkaQi28Ho
Nano: xrb_3qowsxqp4q9ddkeeoci878et97kent77u6qs17ckju1wcmq8qgdbyikkwqk9
If you have donated and would like to be shown in the Special Thanks selection please send me a pm with your transaction details.
Special Thanks:
I would like to thank everyone who has used this plugin, reported bugs, suggested feature, ..., without you guys this plugin would not be what it is now!
I also would like to especially thank some peoples for their support:
- xDizasterCYx - Logo
This plugin has a system to convert Minecraft usernames to Mojang UUIDs; therefore, it uses web connections to the Mojang servers. If you don't want these connections to occur, disable "UseUUIDs" in the config.
This plugin uses the HikariCP library, which includes classes for metrics (but requires an additional library to work, which is not included). All of HikariCP's optional metrics functionality is disabled! This plugin neither collect any data, nor dose it send any data about your server!
This plugin has an auto update function. To disable auto updating, set 'AutoUpdate' to 'false' in 'plugins/Minepacks/config.yml'.
Thankyou, MinePacks-1.16-SNAPSHOT.jar works good.
Sorry for the late replay, I have overseen the coment over here, dev.bukkit.org or spigot.org are better ways to contact me.
The size is controlled by the permissions. I guess you are op so you have every permission -> you have the permission for the biggest possible backpack size (which is 9x9 since V1.13). The next update allows to change the max size in the config so you can limit the size to whatever you like. You can grab the latest dev build (which already includes the config option) from here: https://ci.pcgamingfreaks.at/job/Bukkit_Minepacks/40/artifact/target/MinePacks-1.16-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hi, open other's backpack when they are offline, this is what I want. but, why 9*9 slots in 1.9.2 version? need update please!
Are there still errors in the console? I have tested it with my local test database which worked fine, but it only has about 1k names in it. Could you may send me your db file (via private message) so that I can test it with your data?
Hi GeorgH93. We tried the updated plugin, but it's still not working.
When I cracked open the sqlite database file, the column for UUID showed "NULL" for all players. Something is going wrong.
Perhaps add a method for Lazy UUID update, instead of Aggressive? For example, only update the UUID entry for a player when they log in (instead of trying to update the whole database at once).
Please tell me what you have set the title to in the config.
I ma getting this error in console http://pastebin.com/kh3NGhjW
I have changed the uuid updater some time ago, however I haven't released the update yet (needs some more polishing but it's working). If you like to use it you can download the latest dev build from here: https://ci.pcgamingfreaks.at/job/Bukkit_Minepacks/32/artifact/target/MinePacks-1.16-SNAPSHOT.jar
Please update your minecraft username conversion system to use a job queue with a hard delay. Otherwise, I see the following error message:
Line 20 Spelling error in the Config File. Is flase, instead of false. also i can get the mod to work for me bot nobody else is able to open their pack. says they don't have permissions. and i don't know what to do now, cause i gave them all the permissions to use it.
Is this not correct?
Please update for 1.9. MySQL isn't working anymore.
Nevermind.... I didn't see the last update :D
You can use your permissions plugin to limit the worlds the players can use the backpack in (take away the "backpack" permission).
You should allow players to not be able to open backpacks in certain worlds and/or regions.
Is there permissions to that autofill? Dont work on players.
If you are using Permissionsex (and im assuming group manager has the same capability) for permissions, you can just grant per world permissions to easily make backpacks per world. Heres an example:
groups: ExampleGroup1: - some.permission.1 - some.permission. 2 worlds: ExampleWorld1: - backpack.permission ExampleWorld2: - backpack.permission CreativeWorld: - creative.world.permissions ExampleGroup2: - this.groups.permissions inherit: ExampleGroup1
Give the players the "backpack" permission like you do it with any other one. For example with PermissionsEx: /pex user [playername] add backpack
This might sound dumb but how do I give perms to use backpack
Will add an option in the next update. By now you can only take away the "backpack" permission in worlds with creative.
Is it possible to make Backpacks per world? That way there won't be any creative cheating or anything :P