Commands & Permissions

/mjList of all commands for Admins.mj.admin
/mjList of all commands for User.-
/mj infoMain facts about the plugin.-
/mj create <Name...>Create an arena with specified name.mj.admin.create
/mj remove <Arena-ID>Remove the specified arena.mj.admin.remove
/mj modify <Arena-ID>Modify the specified arena.mj.admin.modify
/mj listList of all arenasmj.admin.list
/mj setspawn <Arena-ID>Set the spawn of the specified arena.mj.admin.setspawn
/mj setend <Arena-ID>Set the end of the specified arena.mj.admin.setend
/mj setcheckpoint <Arena-ID>Set checkpoints for the specified arena.mj.admin.setcheckpoint
/mj removecheckpoint <Arena-ID> <ID>Remove a checkpoint of the specified arena.mj.admin.removecheckpoint
/mj setfail <Arena-ID> <ID>Set fail regions for the specified arena.mj.admin.setfail
/mj removefail <Arena-ID>Remove a fail region of the specified arena.mj.admin.removefail
/mj enable <Arena-ID>Enable the specified arena.mj,admin.enable
/mj disable <Arena-ID>Disable the specified arena.mj.admin.disable
/mj start <Arena-ID>Start the specified arena.mj.admin.start
/mj stop <Arena-ID>Stop the specified arena.mj.admin.stop
/mj set top3Set the Top 3 Wall.mj.admin.settop.*
/mj set top10Set the Top 10 Wall.mj.admin.settop.*
/mj join <Arena-ID>Join the specified arena.mj.join
/mj leaveLeave the arena you are in.-
/mj statsSee your stats (Rank, Wins, Defeats, etc.).mj.stats
/mj stats <Player>See the stats of another player.mj.stats.others
/mj topSee the Top 10 players (Wins)
/mj updateUpdate the plugin.mj.admin.update
/mj reward <Amount>Set a reward for winning a game.mj.admin.reward
/mj reloadReload the plugin.mj.admin.reload
-Create a MineJump sign.mj.sign.create
-Remove a MineJump signmj.sign.remove
-Get notified if there is an update of the plugin.minejump.update.notify