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Hello when i will configure MineConomy for MySQL the refresh the Plugin the config.yml
Balance: Starting Balance: 0.0 Max Debt: 0.0Display GUI: falseWarn Ops: trueLog Priority: 5Check Version: trueInterest: Amount: 0.0 Interval: 0 Mode: noneTax: Amount: 0.0 Interval: 0 Mode: noneDatabase: URL: Name: TimePlayerTV Username: TimePlayerTV Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Type: mysqlLang: enAuto-Save Interval: 3600iConomy Compatibility Mode: falseMigration Mode: none
When i restart is this the config:
Balance: Starting Balance: 0.0 Max Debt: 0.0Display GUI: falseWarn Ops: trueLog Priority: 5Check Version: trueInterest: Amount: 0.0 Interval: 0 Mode: noneTax: Amount: 0.0 Interval: 0 Mode: noneDatabase: URL: '' Name: '' Username: '' Password: '' Type: noneLang: enAuto-Save Interval: 3600iConomy Compatibility Mode: falseMigration Mode: none
And the log:2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] Enabling MineConomy v1.62013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Enabling plugin...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [VERY IMPORTANT] Found non-Bukkit server; Unable to check server version.2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Loading Config file...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Config file loaded!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] YML is enabled for Accounts.2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Loading Accounts file...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Accounts file loaded!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Loading Banks file...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Banks file loaded!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Loading Currency file...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Currency file loaded!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Loading Language file...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Language file loaded!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Interest Disabled.2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Tax Disabled.2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] GUI Disabled.2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] Checking for updates...2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [INFO] No updates available. MineConomy is up to date!2013-07-20 19:44:50 [INFO] [MineConomy] [IMPORTANT] Version 1.6 by MjolnirCommando is enabled!
Thanks for Help ;)
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