Supported Bukkit Versions
- The chest/spawn sign can be placed over/under the rail
- Better update system
- Changeable message prefix in the messages.yml
- Static class usage: Plugin authors can import the plugin and use the classes with Minecartrevolution.CLASS
- New command: /mr changelog <VERSION>
- Plugin can disable if the server is overloaded (config)
- The plugin starts first
- New intersection "action": D for destroying the minecart
- New intersection term: Mob (if a monster or animal is in the minecart)
- New intersection term: Empty (if the minecart is empty)
- New intersection term: Nocargo (if the player inventory/storage minecart inventory is empty)
- New sensor term: Mob (if a monster or animal is in the minecart)
- New sensor term: Empty (if the minecart is empty)
- New sensor term: Nocargo (if the player inventory/storage minecart inventory is empty)
- Permissions for the intersection terms.
- Permissions for the sensor types.
- You can set metadata for blocks in the config (ID:METADATA)
- You can use &COLOR-Codes in the messages.yml
- New command: /mr vender for spawning a minecart under you and driving in your looking direction
- Fixed the ulimited-booster-speed bug