
- [F] problems when adding a block to databases created before 0.3.2
- [F] updating routingblock adds wrong connection to adjacent blocks
- [+] redstone under routingblock triggers blockactions
- [+] config file option to allow signs to define the routingblock type
- [+] routingblock type can be defined by sign beneath with 1. line [type] 2. line <Titel of the block>
- [C] block info shows title of the block and no longer the flags

- [F] redstone change is triggered on all adjacent blocks
- [F] autorouting issues related to redstone triggering
- [F] reaching destination message
- [F] permissions for catcher flag

- [F] routingblocks not working correctly
- [F] event priorities
- [F] improved searching for next routingblocks
- [F] made lines on signs case-insensitiv

- [F] permissions when updating only rails
- [F] graph of railsystem not updating properly
- [F] following ascending tracks to next routingblock
- [-] permission-node for booster and brake
- [+] permission-node ".acceleration." for booster and brake
- [-] old hardcoded routingblocks
- [+] new system for configuring routingblocks by giving them flags, which are connected to specific actions
- [+] destination is added to next own minecart
- [+] autorouting per minecart
- [+] redstone connectivity changed: powering block or rail above is accepted
- [+] made all names, options, directions case insensitiv
- [+] enable/disable slowing minecarts in config when they are empty

- [F] "this name already exists" bug
- [F] bug when displaying informations of a routingblock
- [+] toolitem-klick on rails with routingblock under acts like a toolitemklick on the routingblock itself

- first release


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