
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

MineAuction is a system for trading offline and auctioning items using web interface.

Notice: This project is in early development stage. All features and concepts are subject to change.


  • Deposit and withdraw items to/from the internal auction storage, respectively
  • Browse stored items
  • Use commands or specialized signs to access the plugin
Web Interface
  • Internal storage overview and management
  • Economy plugins integration
  • Shop setup
    • General "sell by one" offer
    • Bulk offers (sell the whole stack)
    • Auctions with bidding, optionally "buy now" feature
  • Administration panel
    • Administrate users, warn and block spammers/scammers
    • Moderate offers, block scams
    • Set limits and restrictions on price, amounts or on what can be auctioned


In addition to bukkit server, you'll need

  • a MySQL database (which can be accessed by both the plugin and the web interface)
  • a web server (or hosting) with PHP support - Apache, Lighttpd or the like
  • We plan to add translations into the plugin. They will use external plugin/API. It will be optional (if you're fine with English), but mandatory if you want to translate the plugin. Web interface is translated separately.

How does it work?

Installation and administration

To install the plugin, just drop the .jar file into Bukkit's plugin folder. After first run the config and other files will be generated. You can also install a translation plugin (which one - will be specified later), if you want to use other language than English. In order to install the web interface, you'll have to drop the contents of the www directory onto your webserver. Then you'll have to go through the installation process. It'll ask you for some mandatory settings, connect to the database and create necessary tables. You can also create the tables manually by importing a .sql file.


For the plugin to work, you need to set proper database credentials in the plugin's config file. All options are will be described in detail on the Configuration page.


At first you have to create your web account. This can be done manually, or you'll be asked to do that once you try to access the virtual storage without an account. You have to set a password for the website. It can be changed at any time in-game.

In order to sell items, you need to access your virtual web storage. You can do this either by commands (if you have sufficent permissions) or via special signs, which can be created by your server's administrators. Once you open the virtual inventory, you have to put all the items you want to use in trade or auction inside. Right after that you can open the website, log in and put the items on sale.

To buy items, you just have to log in on the website, find the right offer and click on buy. Money will be transferred to the seller's account, items to your storage. The items can be withdraawn in-game using again the commands or sings to access the storage.


There are commands planned, but not yet implemented.

  • Open own virtual inventory
  • Open others virtual inventory


There are permissions planned, but not yet implemented

  • Permission nodes for above commands
  • Permissions that decide who can create plugin's special signs


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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