configuration/Old Configuration Info

Current: cacheFile
MCStats3: statsCacheFile
statsCachev0.1The name of the peristent stats storage file that stores the raw statistics data.
Current: saveFile
MCStats3: statsBaseResource
statsv0.1The file name (minus extension) to use when saving/serving stats report files.
Current: saveDirectoty
MCStats3: resourceSaveDirectory
statsv0.1The directory to save stats reports into. For web server integration, set this directory to you web server's wwwroot directory.
Current: secondsBetweenSaves
MCStats3: secondsBetweenSaves
60v0.1The number of seconds to wait between saving stats reports and the statscache.
Current: secondsBetweenPageRefreshes
MCStats3: secondsBetweenPageRefreshes
60v0.1The number of seconds to wait before automatically refreshing the html report in the browser
Current: overwriteHtmlReport
MCStats3: overwriteHtmlReport
truev0.1Sets or disables the automatic overwriting of the HTML report file. Useful for modding the HTML report without installing a complete web server. When set to False, the internal web server will continue to serve the generated HTML report, even if it is modified (for a mod, for example).
Current: resetPlaytime
MCStats3: resetPlaytime
falsev0.1If set to true, all player total playtimes will be reset to zero
Current: ignoreGroups
MCStats3: ignoreGroups
emptyv0.1A list of Permissions groups that MCStatsPlus will ignore, separated by spaces.
Note: If you will still need to purge players who were created before this setting was set.
Current: ignoreGrouplessPlayers
MCStats3: ignoreGrouplessPlayers
falsev0.1When true, players with no explicit groups remaining after removing any configured in ignoreGroups will be ignored. This setting also causes all players in the default group to be ignored.
Current: playersToPurge
MCStats3: playersToPurge
emptyv0.1A list of player names to remove from the stats cache, separated by spaces.
Current: httpPostUrl
MCStats3: httpPostUrl
emptyFUTUREWhen set to a URL, MCStatsPlus will attempt to post its json data to that url every time the stats are committed to disk.
Current: httpPostConnectTimeout
MCStats3: httpPostConnectTimeout
300FUTUREThe number of milliseconds to wait before giving up on an http post
Current: enableSerializerCache
MCStats3: enableSerializerCache
truev0.1When true, stats served up by the internal web server will only be regenerated every [secondsBetweenSaves] seconds. If false, stats are generated in real-time. Setting this to false could have a negative affect on server performance.
MCStats3: webserverEnabledREMOVED
MCStats3: httpServerContextRootREMOVED
MCStats3: httpBacklogREMOVED
MCStats3: httpPortREMOVED