
mcMMOcredits is a plugin that allows players to earn mcMMOcredits that can be spent on mcMMO levels for all the current skills. The plugin has all the commands needed to provide the best experience with using this plugin, further details provided below. Unlike other mcMMO credit/level plugins, mcMMOcredits uses a GUI-interface instead of the standard and boring all-text methods.

For the plugin to work as intended you must have this plugin installed:



- mcMMOcredits are stored by UUID and include the player's name and the date said player joined!

- mcMMOcredits can be given or taken away from players by console and players with the proper permissions!

- Players can check their current mcMMOcredits balance through a simple command.

- Players can redeem their mcMMOcredits on any of the current mcMMO skills.

- mcMMOcredits are redeemed in a GUI-shop interface, giving the plugin a more modern feel.

- New players can get a configurable amount of mcMMOcredits when they first join.

- The plugin can catch if a player redeems more mcMMOcredits then the current mcMMO skill cap for any skill.


Note: - The main command is '/mcmmocredits', but has alias commands of '/mc' and '/credits'.

- /mc : This command will send a helpful menu of that lists all of the commands.

- /mc balance : This command will send the player a message telling them how many mcMMOcredits they have!

- /mc reload : This command will reload the mcMMOcredits plugin configuration!

- /mc balance <player> : This command will send the player a message telling them how many mcMMOcredits another player has.

- /mc spend <amount> : This command is used to redeem your entered amount of mcMMOcredits!

- /mc pay <player> <amount> : This command will give another player the entered amount of mcMMOcredits from your balance!

- /mc add <player> <amount> : This command will give a Player the entered amount of mcMMOcredits!

- /mc take <player> <amount> : This command will take the entered amount of mcMMOcredits from the Player's balance!

- /mc set <player> <amount> : This command will set a Player's mcMMOcredits balance to the entered amount!


Note: - All permissions listed are given by default to operators (OPs)

- mcmmocredits.reload : This permission allows a player to reload the plugin's configuration!

- mcmmocredits.add : This permission allows a player to give another player mcMMOcredits!

- mcmmocredits.take : This permission allows a player to take another player's mcMMOcredits!

- mcmmocredits.set : This permission allows a player to set another player's mcMMOcredits balance!

- mcmmocredits.balanceothers : This permission allows a player to check another player's mcMMOcredits balance!

- : This permission allows a player to give another player mcMMOcredits!


- StartingAmount: 100 (This gives newer players a starting amount/value of mcMMOcredits!)

To Do:

- Add a feature where the amount entered with /mc spend <amount> is listed in the GUI-interface.

- Allow player's with the proper permission to check another player's mcMMOcredits balance.

- Add a feature to allow player's to buy mcMMOcredits (configurable)

- Whatever else is requested!

Known Bugs/Issues:

- N/A

I hope you all enjoy my first submitted project to devBukkit! I put a lot of work into this plugin and have to thank those who assisted me throughout its development.

If you have suggestions, ideas, or have found issues with my plugin, please leave a comment below and I will respond back as soon as possible!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 18, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Nov 8, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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