MChat - Chat formatting plugin
READ ME: The Essentials plugin kit kills every other competing plugin. Thus, if you want to use MChat, disable/delete Essentials Chat.
Help Pages
Commands with Permission Nodes
Variables for formatting
Permission Nodes
Misc Help Pages
- MChat - The core of the plugin, provides all the necessary functions expected of a chat formatting plugin, plus some more!
- MChannels - Introduces the feature to create different chat channels that users may join
- MSocial - Adds additional social features such as conversations and custom formatted pms, shouting/yelling, and custom /say formatting.
- MAdvanced - Adds extra functionality such as an AFK Kicker, /who player lookups, and /online player lists.
- Provides chat message formatting
- Provides a reload command (/mchat reload [info/config/censor] = mchat.reload)
- Provides Prefix/Suffix support to players join/leave/kick/ban messages
- Custom leave/join/kick messages
- Supports All major Perm plugins
- Supports Color codes
- Defaults to normal formatting if nothing defined in config
- Config is auto-created and auto-updated
- Can switch to API only mode
- 3 Different Colour Code types
- Custom Variables
Other Pages
MChat is now heavily dependent on Vault for interacting with other plugins, please remember to always use the latest released version, to prevent any issues.
Latest Dev Build of MChat
Dev builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Is this compatible with Factions and DeluxeTags? If not can you make it compatible for the variables thanks
thanks @MiracleM4n You are a life-saver
Yes, has supported it for a while.
is mChat compatible with PermisisonsEx?
Sorry will do.
Hi, I noticed that you're providing jar's compiled with java 7, rather then java 6. Any chance that you could fallback to compiling with java 6 so that those of us still on the older (yet still minecraft supported) version don't have to recompile it?
How do you make it so that the prefixes don't show up next to player names when you press tab?
Hi MiracleM4n, i wanted to ask if you have the %money% variable (Or %balance%) in MChat, i need it to display the player's money before his name..
This plugin is AWESOME! Keep it going! Best chat plugin I have ever seen!
There is a configurable option to limit or remove this feature. (mchat.cLockRange in config.yml) if you want to disable it enter a negative number.
Does mchat attempt to prevent the use of all caps words?
PM me as well please.
PM me please.
i cant seem to get any /mchat commands to run, and cant get any of my group names to function. yet it will work with worldname from the same file. i have had this issue every time i tried to update. ever since 1.4.6.... each time i have given up and used the old version again.
can anyone please help :(
this time im on 1.7.9 using latest mchat with the fix for 1.7.9 trying to display +W+Gname+dn but all i get is properly colored worldname, then a white username. no matter what i do, no matter what option i use for the display name it is just white. and refuses to reference my permissions and show the group name based on the user's rank. but it shows worldname just fine. i cant figure this out it makes no sense at all, and i really need some help , it is driving me nuts.
if i press tab i can see my ranktag and my name for a total 10 letters: Owner mass, instead of : Owner masslr, just like a friend of mine: Builder THE_ instead of : THE_BLUE_RAVEN
What plugin do i need for color chat to work?
Edit: NVM found the problem, was using 1.7.9 for 1.7.2 :/
If I die ingame I get an error. I'm using Craftbukkit 1.7.9
@Exigopro If you don't use suffixes, then you can set the suffix to [C] and remove the suffix in the chat, then change the prefix in the tab to the suffix.
How do i have separate tab prefixes and chat prefixes?
I can't seem to get it to work, most of the time it adds both the chat and tab prefix together when pressing tab.
For example
Ingame: [Citizen]name
In tab: [C]name
Can you create Local Channels like you can do with HeroChat?
I want players to be able to join the channel "Local" where they can be heard within a radius of 100 blocks only. Possible?
Please PM me with the details. Sorry for the late response.