
<font color="white">#</font>Note that this page *should be* able to be copied straight into the config.yml file. Unless I forgot how YAML comments are made. <font color="white">#</font>So, how do you create the config.yml? Let's create it down line-by-line...:
<font color="white">#</font>We begin by putting all our possible mccalls into an area. You know, this should be simple enough that I'm not going to discuss it.
<font color="white">#</font>Second level: We're giving the command a name now! I think that any name should work, as long as it's... you know, alphabetic, and stuff.
<font color="white">#</font>Ah, the third level. This is where we'll put in a URL for the command to access. No parameters, nothing like that... Just the URL.
        permission: admin
<font color="white">#</font>Also the permission. In this example, the user would have to have the mccurl.mccall.admin permission to be able to use the command. Invent your own permissions here. It's up to you. And if you don't want any permissions, just use 'none' instead of anything else.
            - who
            - why
<font color="white">#</font>Finally, the parameters. McCurl will automagically associate the parameters with the arguments that you called it with, and then insert them into the HTTP GET. So, if we called this command:
<font color="white">#</font>/mccall blackbox thespuff flying
<font color="white">#</font>It magics together the url:
<font color="white">#</font>;why=flying&amp;pname=Name&amp;pworld=World&amp;px=X&amp;py=Y&amp;pz=Z
<font color="white">#</font>(Note that it tags the calling player's name and location onto the end. Nifty? Yes.) <font color="white">#</font>And then it calls the URL. It doesn't receive anything back, because that's not what it's for... But now the PHP at can crunch the info and log it, or reward the player, or whatever. You decide where your limits are.
<font color="white">#</font>@Fronix may want to set his config like this:
<font color="white">#</font>mccall:
        url: http://webpage/url
        permission: admin
            - user
            - rank
        url: http://webpage/url
        permission: admin
            - user
            - rank