Commands & Permissions

MC Portals Commands


(name meaning the name of the portal)


/mcportals - aliases [/mcp]

/mcportals  - Main command for MC Portals. Gives a list of commands - mcp.main

/mcportals version - Sends the version of MC Portals that is running


/mcportals create <name> - Creates a portal with the given name - mcp.create

/mcportals complete - Confirms a portal is complete after selecting its area - mcp.create

/mcportals cancel - Cancels the creation of a portal - mcp.create

/mcportals tp <name> - Teleport through a portal via command -


/mcportals enable <name> - Enable a portal - mcp.enable

/mcportals disable <name> - Disable a portal - mcp.disable


/mcportals rename <name> <new name> - Renames an existing portal - mcp.rename

/mcportals remove <name> - Removes an existing portal - mcp.remove

/mcportals setdes <name> - Gets the destination of a portal to the position of the player - mcp.setdes

/mcportals update <name> - Update the area of a portal - mcp.update

/mcportals info <name> - Gives specific information on a portal -

/mcportals list - Lists all the current portals - mcp.list


for players to be able to enter portals, they must have the permission mcp.enter


Per Portal Permissions

By default, for players to enter any portal, they require the mcp.enter permission node.

If you want them only to be able to access specific portals, you should enable Per Portal Permissions.

To enable per-portal permissions, you have to enter the config.yml file, and set per_portal_permissions to true.

Per Portal Permissions make it so for a player to enter a portal, they must have mcp.enter AND mcp.enter.<portal>


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