
M*bert is an attempt to recreate Q*bert, the classic 1982 arcade game, in Minecraft.

Please be aware that this plugin is still in beta!

UPDATE Version 0.5 Adds a new high score command, permissions node and different music for every level. Don't forget to add the permissions node for anyone who isn't OP! Experience and armor are now saved along with the player's regular inventory. I still haven't fixed the problem where the music stops after death until reaching the next level. As always, please report any bugs - I didn't even think about XP levels being trashed until someone on my server complained about it.

Version 0.4 Added persistent high scores. Still need to fix everything else and add new features

Version 0.3 difficulty has been increased significantly - Many levels now have two mobs. Levels after 8 now have randomized colored blocks and mobs. Still haven't included the High Score system that I really need to put in place. Some mobs are not placed correctly on the pyramid. Armor worn is not removed at start of game and could be lost. Probably other bugs that will kill any desire you have to try this mod.

For anyone not familiar with Q*bert, the goal of the game is to change all of the pyramid's blocks to a specific color by jumping on them to advance to the next level while avoiding enemies and falling off the pyramid.

So far the game has several levels and "enemies", and is mostly working. I'm still trying to refine gameplay and add features. I plan on adding a high score system in the next update, which I hope will make it entertaining in a competitive sense. Also, the difficulty still needs to be balanced as I've made several of the enemies non-hostile mobs because zombies and skeletons can kill you pretty quick. I would really like some feedback on gameplay issues and, of course, bugs.

The player can not attack mobs because the original game focused on avoiding enemies. Player inventory will be saved upon starting the game and restored after the game ends.

Permissions Node



/mbert start

Start the game

/mbert stop

Stop the game for whatever reason

/mbert scores

Display the top 3 M*bert high scores


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