
Featured in the April 26th Minecraft Spotlight! Thanks, Xenios01! Use a bow and arrow to perform tasks you never thought possible! Place torches in faraway locations, blow up everything with explosive arrows, and spread fire with fire arrows that actually burn! Maybe you could even control the weather?

Essentially, this plugin allows you to shoot "special" arrows by using other items along with your bow.
Currently, these are the available arrow types and material requirements:

  • Torch: torch arrow - places a torch wherever it hits
  • Flint and Steel: fire arrow - starts a fire
  • TNT: explosive arrow - creates an explosion(strength is configurable)
  • Fire charge: Fireball - changes the arrow into a ghast fireball
  • Diamond: Smite arrow - summons a bolt of lightning

    Experimental arrows:
  • Ice - freeze arrow - freezes the surrounding blocks and entities, turning water into ice and lava into obsidian and cobble. Currently unfinished- entity freeze isn't added yet, and the freezing mechanism doesn't quite work how I want it to yet. You can still use it if you want to, though. It's possible that I may add an action that allows you to simulate snowfall in a small area around you with this arrow.


Okay, so, version 0.1.13 is finished, and hopefully this will fix the NPEs that people have been experiencing due to the various causes. From what I've found so far, the main causes that I can explain were arrows fired by skeletons, dispensers, and other things that are not players. This update SHOULD fix this problem, but if anyone continues to see errors, then please upload your server log file (or at least the part containing the error report) to pastebin and submit an issue on the github page.
Second, I have attempted to get some support for Towny added, but at this point I have no idea how this will go, since I have difficulty testing Towny region support on my own. I am still unable to figure out adding WorldGuard support, but if the Shield API gets updated and I can figure out how to use that, then that will solve the entire problem. If anyone has any advice as to how to manage any of this, I would greatly appreciate it if you would drop me a PM or an email or anything to let me know!

Any feedback, results, information, and suggestions would be greatly appreciated and I will try to respond as soon as my schedule permits.


To use a special arrow, simply place the bow directly to the right of the required item on your hotbar, and shoot.
It should be noted that torch arrows are somewhat fickle, currently, and don't work well with some angles for whatever the reason. As such, don't get frustrated if your torches keep popping off- just change your vantage point and try again.


WARNING! Ice/Freeze arrows are experimental, I make no guarantees on whether or not it will work how you expect!


This plugin uses EMetrics, an extended version of Plugin Metrics, to gather statistics on usage. If you would like to learn more about this feature, you can find out about it on their website:
MCStats :: MagicArrows

To Do/Future Versions

To Do:

  • In Progress snowballs: Ice/Freeze arrow
  • water bucket: water balloon/fire extinguisher
  • eye of ender: fetch arrow
  • feather: repulsion arrow
  • ender pearl: teleport arrow
  • ???: weather arrows (local/global?)
  • string: tripwire arrow (require hooks?)
  • Fixed, need verification Fix null pointer exception that happens when an arrow from a skeleton or a dispenser hits something


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