
Using the config

How does the config work?

In the config, a huge amount of settings can be changed. The config.yml by default looks like this:

VERSION: 1.1.0
NAME: "\xa75M\xa78a\xa75g\xa78i\xa75c \xa78E\xa75g\xa78g\xa7f"
ON_START_MESSAGE: "The \xa75M\xa78a\xa75g\xa78i\xa75c \xa78E\xa75g\xa78g\xa7f event just started!"
ON_STOP_MESSAGE: "The \xa75M\xa78a\xa75g\xa78i\xa75c \xa78E\xa75g\xa78g\xa7f event was canceled now..."
ON_SPAWN_MESSAGE: "A new \xa75M\xa78a\xa75g\xa78i\xa75c \xa78E\xa75g\xa78g\xa7f just spawned!"
ON_DROP_MESSAGE: "\xa75L\xa78o\xa75o\xa78t\xa75!\xa78!\xa75!\xa7f"
OP: false

VERSION describes always the used version of the plugin. This is used internally to simplify the addition of new config parameters and makes sure that you always use a valid config. This value should never be changed by hand!

NAME describes the actual name of the MagicEgg which appears over the egg. Color customization using "ยง" colorcodes is supported.

ON_xxx_MESSAGE are various messages that are broadcasted when the named event happens. Color customization is supported like on NAME.

REPETITION_DELAY_MIN sets the time in minutes between spawn events occur (/mgstart). This value might not be 100% accurate, since the servers TPS depend on its load and performance.

FIREWORK_DELAY is the time in server ticks, which the plugin waits until the fireworks get launched. 20 Ticks are approx. 1 sec.

FIREWORK_PERIOD is the time between the firework rocket launchs. After every MagicEgg despawn 5 rockets get launched one after another.

DROP_DELAY is the time between the Egg despawn and item drop. The higher the value, the later items will drop.

PERMISSIONS and OP determine the used permission system. You are free to choose and can use both systems parallel.

IS_EVENT_RUNNING determines if the event was running when the server stopped. Used to restart the event automatically on server start.

How do I define the drops?

There is a second file, called "drops.yml" in which the possible drops get stored. By default it looks like this:

'0': APPLE;1;100

'0': is the config section, needed by .yml files. For every new line, just use the same syntax and count the value 1 up.

APPLE;1;100 is the actual item configuration. Like you can immagine, "APPLE" refers to the material. A full reference to all available materials can be found here. Note that this is case sensitive! Invalid material types will result in errors! Since the items get dropped as stacks, the secon value "1" defines how many of them will be dropped at once. Depending on the item, you can drop up to 64 entities at once. The last value "100" determines the drop possibility of the given item. Possible values go from 0-100, invalid values will result in errors.

NOTE: The values need always to be separated by semicolon and never contain spaces!

Last thing to say is, as mentioned before items get dropped in stacks, which means every defined item in this file will get its own spawn location in the defined spawn radius. When you want to drop e.g. 3 apples, but don't want them to spawn on the same location, add the apple 3 times to the list, like in the following description:

'0': APPLE;3;100

results in dropping 3 apples on the same location with a probability of 100%.

'0': APPLE;1;100
'1': APPLE;1;100
'2': APPLE;1;100

results in dropping 3 apples on different locations (limited by drop radius) with a probability of 100%.

What is areas.yml for?

This file stores the Egg spawn areas. Since the selection/deselection of areas happens ingame using commands, it's not recommended to edit this file by hand!


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