
A PvP plugin - right click on a blocks to recive an effect. Blocks, Messages, Duration, Effect Strength, Permissions - ALL FULLY CONFIGURABLE!


Have you ever wanted a simple plugin, but really effective for your pvp server? So simple, and fully configurable, that it can be done by everyone? Well here it is! Here's an example on how this plugin works: If you set a Diamond Block as a 'Regeneration' effect block, when a player with the permission for the 'Regeneration' effect right clicks on the set block; it will recive the effect, but the effect's duration depends on how long you set it in the configuration file, and the 'strength' (Regeneration II, Regeneration V...) depends on the 'strenght' set in config. file. (The permission node for every single effect is for VIP rank usage; so VIPs have special privilages of, let's say, invisibility effect)


  1. Download the latest plugin version
  2. Drag the 'MagicBlocks.jar' file into your 'plugins' folder
  3. Run Bukkit server and enjoy!
  4. Configurate the plugin by going into the 'plugin' folder, and find 'MagicBlocks' folder; open it and open 'config.yml' with NotePad(PlusPlus) (Highly Recommended), and start editing!

Editing the configuration file

Config file is really confusing, isn't it? Well here's a short explanation of what every line means; To start off, let's take the main line for example:

  • "# <Warning: DO NOT RENAME EFFECT>" - Follow what it says.
  • "Healing: 133" - The effect name and the block id of the effect; do not change the effect name, ever, only the block id.
  • "Jump_D: 1000" - Effect names containing '_D' mark the length of the effect. Only change the number, again, not the effect. 1000 lasts about 50 seconds.
  • "Speed_L: 1" - Effect names containing '_L' mark the 'strength' of the effect. Only change the number, again, not the effect. 1 is the normal, usual *effect. Exception: On speed, if you use over 5 - FOV will go over average, this will result in an epic adventure - MUST TRY!
  • "FireResistance_T: Fire-Proof!" - Effect names containing '_LT mark the message of the effect. Each time a player clicks on a certain, set block, *the server will send him/her a message related to the block effect.
  • -Also, all the values can go in to minus, so the, let's say, 'Speed_L: -1' will slow down the player, like Soul Sand.


  • mb.admin - Access to all the commands and blocks (the only command is '/mb_reload' - which is used to reload the config file)
  • mb.blocks - Access to all the block effects
  • mb.heal - Access to the heal effect
  • mb.feed - Access to the feed effect
  • mb.speed - Access to the speed effect
  • mb.waterbreath - Access to the underwater breathing effect
  • mb.wither - Access to the wither effect
  • mb.fireresistance - Access to the fire resistance effect
  • mb.regen - Access to the regeneration effect
  • mb.invisible - Access to the invisibility effect
  • mb.jump - Access to the high jump effect
  • mb.nightvision - Access to the night vision effect
  • mb.damage - Access to the damage resistance effect
  • - Access to the extinguish effect
  • mb.bedspawn - Access to the 'set bed spawn' effect


  • 23/12/12 - Released v2.2! - Download HERE!, updated to 1.4.6!
  • 15/12/12 - Released v2.1! - Download HERE!, the changelog is also viewed there.
  • 11/12/12 - Released v2.0! - Download HERE!, the changelog is also viewed there.
  • 7/12/12 - Released v1.0! - Download HERE!


All the credit goes to me :P.

To Do

  • Add blocks that give custom items when clicked. (MAYBE, I'm not 100% sure about adding this, since there are a lot of plugins already doing this.)

My other work:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 7, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 23, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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