Magic 2.9.1
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UploadedFeb 6, 2014
Size436.75 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- 1.7.2
- 1.6.4
- Respect PVP flags for WorldGuard regions.
- Add global cost_reduction and cooldown_reduction parameters to config.yml
- Add some hacks to prevent using wands while in creative mode.
- Add "map" material brush. Experimental :)
- Add Laser spell
- Add "Chop" spell. Also make "Box" sit on the target. (MIGRATION NOTE)
- Gather, push, push, force and disarm will ignore targets with Protection X
- Material brushes will copy player skulls (clone, copy, replicate- not absorb though)
- Add "Sunny Day" spell, remove day and night spells.
- The camera spell will now work on most mobs (not zombies or creepers or skeletons, though...)
- Shrink and camera will now work on some blocks (cactus, tnt, chests, melons, logs and pumpkins) (MIGRATION NOTE)
- Some improvements to replicate and clone, safety checks for attachable blocks
- Split alter up into SuperAlter and Alter
- Some improvements to wand organization and owner display
- Fix facial accessories not showing up in player portraits.
- ShrunkenHeadSpell changed to ShrinkSpell
- MineSpell changed to DropSpell (and "chop" variant added)
Full migration notes (NOTE 2.9.0 was a big update!):
- Enchanting is a little wonky, due to having to swap out the item for an enchantable one
- Combining wands on an anvil is glitchy but works (you have to click the empty result slot)
- Using the creative inventory will destroy any wands you have :(
- The Essentials sign integration is pretty hacky, but functional.