Magic 2.2.0


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 18, 2013
  • Size
    187.60 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.4


2.2.0 is an alpha release of the new "spell inventory" functionality.

This is a huge step forward in the gamification of this plugin, you can now create wands that have a specific set of spells attached to them, and give these wands to players.

Spells are now useable without interfering with the player's existing inventory- see the new project description for details, and a video will come soon.

The spell inventory system is new, but I've been testing quite a bit. The only known issue is if the server crashes while a player is logged in and using a wand, they will likely lose their inventory. This is only on a complete sever crash, though- player inventories are saved on a clean shutdown or disconnect.