Lua Scripts

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Lua Scripts

Lua Scripts is an open source Bukkit server plugin that allows you to run .lua files via LuaJava. It creates an API that allows developers to interact with the Bukkit server API from within Lua.


You may have noticed that I've set the project's state to inactive. This isn't because the project is incompatible with later versions of Bukkit, but because I've had to stop development for a bit due to school pressure building up (big exams this year). The code is 100% open-source, and so anyone willing to take up the reigns can make a fork on GitHub and start hacking away :)

I might pick this up again if I can, but I'm not sure.


  1. Navigate to the Files section of the project.
  2. Download the version of Lua Scripts that you want (generally the latest one).
  3. Regardless of what your server is running, open the zip file and extract the plugins folder to your server's main directory.
  • Optional Step If you are already experienced with the Lua Scripts API then delete the example.lua file from the plugins/lua-scripts directory.


Lua Scripts relies on a native library too, LuaJava. What this means is that Lua Scripts will not function unless you compile the LuaJava library and place the .dll/.so in the server's main directory. Luckily, it's not a too complicated process and you only have to do it once. In addition to this you could probably find precompiled binaries somewhere on the internet, I know that the LuaJava page on actually has prebuilt Win32 ones.

Once compilation is complete, regardless of the extension of the file (.dll/.so etc) to rename it to luajava-1.1 (keeping the extension). If you don't do this, Lua Scripts will not be able to find the native libraries.

Lua Scripts is now set up, and will run any .lua script placed in the plugins/lua-scripts directory.


  1. Navigate to the Files section of the project.
  2. Download the version of Lua Scripts you wish to upgrade to.
    1. You can downgrade to a different version, but remember to remove new features from your script.
  3. Open the zip file and extract the plugins folder to your server's main directory.
    1. You may want to follow the optional step in installation, so that example.lua is not executed.


Lua Scripts is an open source project, and as such you can download the whole source from our GitHub repo.

Lua Developers

If you are interested in creating Lua scripts to use in conjunction with this plugin, the best place to start would be on this page, you should then look through what other pages there are to find out more.

Documentation is a work in progress, so don't expect much.

Java Developers

For any Java Developers interested in working on this project with me, the best thing to do would be to create a fork of the GitHub repo and start hacking away at it. You could also try getting in contact with me via email ([email protected]).


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