
General permissions

lorelocks.pick.1Allows to pick locks with difficulty of 1false
lorelocks.pick.2Allows to pick locks with difficulty of 2false
lorelocks.pick.3Allows to pick locks with difficulty of 3false
lorelocks.pick.4Allows to pick locks with difficulty of 4false
lorelocks.pick.5Allows to pick locks with difficulty of 5false
lorelocks.bypassAllows to bypass all locksfalse
lorelocks.lockpick.craftAllows to craft lockpickstrue
lorelocks.skeletonkey.craftAllows to craft the skeleton keyfalse
lorelocks.key.createAllows to create keys (future feature)true
lorelocks.lock.<lock>.craftAllows to craft the lock <lock> from configfalse
lorelocks.traps.<trap>.craftAllows to craft the trap <trap> from configfalse
lorelocks.event.<event>.triggerThe player will trigger the event <event> from configfalse


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