Lore Craft
LoreCraft lets you add a chance to craft armor, tools & weapons with custom lore name & text. By itself LoreCraft does nothing but add the text & is designed to work alongside plugins such as Lore Attributes & SoulBound that act on custom lore text.
- Custom item-names
- Custom lore text, as many lines as you want (within reason)
- Virtually unlimited custom items
- Configurable chance to craft
- Lightweight
There are multiple config files - one for each armor, weapon & tool. Please make sure to go through them all and edit them to your liking.
Q: Each config only goes up to 6 items. Can i add more?
A: Hell YES!
GoldHelmetsix: name: '&6Super Cute Gold Helmet' lore: ['&fblah blah blah'] chance: 50 GoldHelmetblahblahblah: name: '&KSuper Ugly Gold Helmet' lore: ['&fblah blah blah'] chance: 50
The item "title" - eg. "GoldHelmetblahblahblah" - doesn't matter, just make sure not to use the same title more than once per file.
Recommended Plugins
Lore Attributes | Adding lore text such as '+3 Damage', '+20 Health' or '+5 Life Steal' to items will allow LoreAttributes to act accordingly. See their project page for more details & options. |
Soul Bound | Soulbound is a plugin that makes it possible to have Soulbound items. Whenever an item is soulbound, players cannot transfer the item to other players. Adding the lore '&4Bind on Use' (or '&4Bind on Equip' for armor) will allow Soulbound to work on those items. |
Installation instructions
- Download LoreCraft.zip & extract into your plugins folder.
- LoreCraft comes with a set of default configs (in the armor/tools/weapons folders) - check that these meet your needs and/or adjust as preferred.
Q & A:
Q: Shift+Click Fast Craft not working?
A: The way bukkit is made is when you Shift+Click to Fast Craft it makes Copys of that (First Item) thats being Crafted ,so the way LoreCraft treats that as a form of duplication/cheating so LoreCraft gives you the first item and all the following items are set to default this may be a inconvenience for Fast Crafting players but thats just the way LoreCraft prevents itself
from being abused.
Q: How do the chance values work?
A: The chance parameters aren't a chance out of 100, but rather the chance out of the total value of "chances" within that file. Eg. if there are only two items in the file (item1, item2) set to 10 each and the default is set to 30 then the chance of default is 30/(10+10+30) = 60%.
This means you can have lower than 1% by making default 1000, then item1 & item2 at 10 will give the chance of item1 = 10/(10+10+1000) = 0.0098%.
Q: What Items does LoreCraft Support and will more be added?
A: LoreCraft supports these items at this time. As for other item you will just have to wait and see =)
- L,C,I,D Armor
- W,S,I,D Sword
- W,S,I,D Pickaxe
- W,S,I,D Spade
- W,S,I,D Hoe
- W,S,I,D Axe
- Bow
- L,C,I,D = Leather, Chain, Iron, Diamond
- W,S,I,D = Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond
Q: Why does LoreCraft have so many Configs?
A: LoreCraft has configs for each item type. It is not a "drop and go" plugin but rather needs a little time to set it up the way you want. It's recommended that you to use a test server to set-up & test configs before using the plugin on your live server.
Q: I don't want chance or lore applied to WoodenSword!
A: That's not a question! But if you don't want wooden swords or other items to be used by LoreCraft you can delete or rename the appropriate (eg. "weapons/woodsword.yml") file.
Q: How do I use SoulBound with LoreCraft?
A: When adding SoulBound you must use &4 (DARK RED) and it must be the last lore added to the item. For tools you use "&4Bind on Use" and armor uses "&4Bind on Equip", as seen in this example:
TOOL: name: '&DSuper Pickaxe' lore: ['&ASo PowerFull', 'SOO EPIC', 'You Just cant ever let go of it', '&4Bind on Use'] chance: 50
ARMOR: name: '&DSuper Cute Diamond Helmet' lore: ['&BPink is just not my color!', '&4Bind on Equip'] chance: 50
Q: I was wondering if I could use apostrophes in the names and lore? Or will it create errors? And also, if I want no lore for an item, do I just put two ' ' or [ ] ? And are the [ ] necessary in lore? (ex. 'It shines in the sunlight!')
A: O Boy you bet you can use apostrophes! You will just need to change the YML file for the item a little so here are 2 examples for you! and yes [' '] or [" "] are needed to add Lore to the item
1. Name and Lore apostrophes
WoodenSwordone: name: "&7Boom's Sword of Lore's" lore: ["Sword's", "Stick's"] chance: 20
2.Item with No Lore
WoodenSwordTwo: name: "&7Boom's Sword of Lore's" lore: chance: 30
Yea I have alot of plugins on my server and its not hosted from my computer so I can only reload once without having some kind of internal error because of a overload of plugin reloads lol
@slimedog007 @Empeefive @Kami675
Yeah, could definitely use a reload command. @Empeefive - reloads can be quite painful, depends on how many and which type of plugins you have (even a few plugins can take ages, if it includes Multiverse with a few worlds).
@slimedog777 - yeah, although it's not regex (similar format) it does seem to be a good way to define multiple pieces of lore. I'll look into adding it.
I have not yet installed this plugin, but sounds FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!
I like @slimedog007 suggestion a few posts down about changing the config, tho I know it would irritate all those who have already worked so hard to tweak their own configs (I'm no coder but could ya make a plugin that would read old configs and compile them in to setup like he's suggesting?), and permissions suggestion also seems good but I think Lore Attributes actually does that sort of thing already
@Kami675 couldn't ya do a reload command to just reload all plugins? I am doing test server on personal computer first and no headaches from restarting so much, so I'm not sure if that would work.
Sweet plugin, Thanks for your time!
nvm sorry it works Im a dumbass I didnt read the directions thoroughly. But one thing could you please add a config reloader. i'm doing ALOT of changes throughout the files and the players get quite annoyed because i have to restart so much =/
I enchanted a fak ton of items and never once got any of the lores/buffs I even used it on monsters =/ im not getting any errors and im using LoreCraft as well as LoreAttributes
I have tested with all armor types and with all guns (Including bow), also I tested with tools, but I have them disabled... I can't replicate that error and I cant know when it occours because my server is 50+ players... If I discover what cause that error I will tell you, maybe it could be a Spigot error, but Spigot "is bukkit" but more efficient.
Tt's a little error, it doesn't cause lag and all crafting chances works well.
Thanks for the report - do you know what in particular the users are crafting when this error occurs?
I'm getting this error, it is not critical but it's an error. it doesn't affect my players and all works correctly. Could you check it? im ussing Spigot #837
I'm ussing 1.35 version. http://pastebin.com/3N8wCZmL
I have an idea. They could make a permit to increase the chances? Because in my server, I have an extensive ranking system, and I would like that players with more range, can craft the best things ... or in which case that a certain range to reach certain items, discarding the most common. May? or asking a lot? would be great to do so.
Keep well, very good plugin: P
so its an intended feature? Is there any way I can rebuild the plugin myself and allow shift-click crafting?
Thanks for the report. This is a known issue though and I couldn't find a way around it. Here's the note from the documentation above:
Found a bug: when shift-clicking to craft multiple the lore/name only gets applied to the first item
I just had a brilliant idea. Regular expression is used to shorten tedious and repetitive code up with just a few keystrokes, and I think that it would be great in this plugin to have a more randomized feel when it comes to putting attributes on your items.
Instead of having large amounts of code like in the above code block, what if there you could program them like this?
Using the generic OR operator, you can give your leather tunic the random chance to have different values of health (or names) rather than just having one and then having to add another chunk of code entirely.
Sorry if this post was rather long, but I felt like it needed a good explanation :)
Edit - Another idea that I've had.
Permissions to craft specific items. In order to craft "MagicalLeatherChestPlate1-Generic" you would need this node:
And add a command /give item-name? i dont know, I'm pulling ideas. Henry Herscher in "systematic planning" contradicts the: "if it is not broke do not fix it", by the "fix it before it breaks" and "you have to plan a change if we want to be dragged by him" ... is part of evolution, improve it.
We are grateful you like LoreCraft but sorry to say LoreCraft aim is for Crafting Only if there is a loot plugin that does mob drops and wishes to hook into LoreCraft for item Dropping we have provided are source code in the main page.
(Already answerd Question Visa PM)
We do not know if LoreAttributes is planning on adding PotionEffect Lore or Enchant Lore, LoreCraft was made Primarily for the use with LoreAttributes and this maybe a Idea to Suggest with them and if they have no plans on considering applying them then at that time we will do a poll to see what the majority of the people wish from LoreCraft.
LoreCraft is trying to stay away from to many Changes as adding those would effect the config making people have to rewrite all there hard work.
as a man once said "if it's not broke don't fix it" <3
skills can be added to the items? as the poison, lightning, etc.. or 6 7 8 enchants level that is random and is configured as the possibility of obtaining an item. For the next version :)
The Best Plugin!
Health works only on armors?
Great plugin, but only thing I would really like from it - chance to drop these items from mobs. Could you please add features like what mobs in what worlds drop them? I would really appreciate it! :)
im happy to hear that you enjoy LoreCraft =)
when Writing Lore into armor make sure each line is no more then 35 char more then thatis going to make lore a little ugly
Thanks a lot. Love your plugin. The long time it takes to configure and proofread is definitely worth my time!