
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

LootTables allows admins to create fully randomized loot (via yaml files) to be given to players. This plugin offers little features as far as a plugin goes as it is intended to be used as a library for other plugins who wish to incorporate randomized loot.

The latest development builds can always be found at http://ci.onarandombox.com/job/LootTables/


/loot {table} [player]
Permission: loottables.loot
{table} is the name of the loot table you wish to use. If no player is specified, the table is generated for the command user, otherwise it is generated for the given player
loot_tables.yml will be first checked for the table's name and if not found there then it will look for a file by that name (automatically adds .yml) in the loot_tables sub folder.
Permission: loottables.reload
Unloads any cached loot table so that changes to the yaml document will be recognized. (Loot tables are normally cached for a time so as to not cause unnecessary server strain. This command frees that cache.)

Loot Tables

Loot tables are uniquely formatted yaml documents which allow for completely customizable randomly generated item sets. They are admittedly somewhat complex with the idea that their complexity allows for any sort of random scenario you could desire.

Loot Table Features

  • Multiple items
  • Configurable chances for every item or set of items
  • Ability to select 1 item out of many with configurable weights for each item
  • Ability to "re-roll" item sections so that several random choices can be given from the same set
  • Configurable enchants per item with their own randomizeability

Detailed Loot Table Guide

Coming soon...

Example Loot Tables

Coming soon...

For Developers

Source code: https://github.com/dumptruckman/LootTables
Javadoc: http://ci.onarandombox.com/job/LootTables/javadoc/
Maven repository: http://repo.onarandombox.com/content/groups/public/
Maven pom information:


You can easily use this as a library instead of a plugin by adding it as a library to your plugin. I would recommend shading it in with maven, possibly relocating the code to a new namespace.
After that, there are two options for implementing this into your code, you can create a new LootConfig which will setup all the necessary files for users to manage their own loot tables OR you can directly create new LootTables based off of bukkit's ConfigurationSections via the static methods in the LootTables class.


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