Configuration Options

Configuration Options


LS's configuration file is located at plugins/LonelyServer/config.yml

To generate a default config, start and stop the server once with the plugin loaded.

To edit it, open it in your favorite text editor.


There are several fields available to customize.


This is the maximum number of hours that will be reported.

Ex: timeThresholdHours: 6 Player A logs out. 7 hours later, player B logs in. 7 > 6 Player B does not receive a message.


This is the message that players will see upon login. It is fully customizable. A list of variables is shown below that you can put in the message which will be replaced with the respective value.

  • $TIME - a nicely formatted days, hours, minutes format of the time since the last player logged out.
  • $CURPLAYER - The name of the player to whom the message will be sent.
  • $LASTPLAYER - The name of the player who last logged out.
  • $MINS - The raw number of minutes that have passed since the last player logged out.


The color of the message to be sent. Refer to this page for more information.

Sample Config

timeThresholdHours: 6
message: Hey man, dang ole' $LASTPLAYER just logged out dang ole' $TIME ago, y'know, rock 'n' roll, man.
chatColor: DARK_AQUA


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