Stats v1.22


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 27, 2013
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    252.93 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.1-R0.2
  • 1.5.0
  • CB 1.4.6-R0.1


* Speed up all events by threading the data saving and execution of the StatUpdateEvent.
* If signs can, they will now insta-update instead of every 10 seconds (can be changed in the config)
* Added the /stats reset [Player] command. Use /stats reset to reset your own stats.
* General speed up of other things
* Fixed lastjoin/lastleave issue (was a permissions issue involving not-logged-in players). Go to your settings file and set lastJoin-lastLeaveFix to true.

* Using new methods for storing and saving data. This way, it's much simpler to get the data (and possibility of getting data live from in-game)
* Using CPV4
* Updated API to use these new storage modes, now giving live-data instead of database-data. You should remove the SQLExceptions.
* Updated API with new methods
* Possibly fixed lastjoin/lastleave issue (just like in any other build.)

v1.20 DEV **(ONLY use this if you want to test the new stuff, it's a highly in-dev build!)**
* Uses new methods to collect/save/store the data, it's super sexy!
* This method should speed up everything by a lot, as there's no need to connect to databases etc
* Auto-updater fixed, also thanks to Joba1.

* Probably fixed the lastleave issue (finally!)
* Fixed NPE with PVPKills sign

* Fixed NPEs if you're installing it for the first time
* Fixed NPE in the 'Kills' sign, was pointing to the wrong table
* Fixed config stuff going on forever on first start
* Added Votifier listeners, and a 'votes' row in the 'player' table

* Fixed auto-updater

* Added MySQL Connection pool. This fixes all errors that look like 'last packet received ... ms ago', 'cant call commit when autocommit is true', etc.
* Added signs, more info on the front page.
* Some fixes and performance improvements (log-in and log-out are faster now, for example).
* Fixed some weird MySQL error concerning SET SESSION old_alter_table=1

* Removes all duplicate values from rows
* The above fixes the huge amount of blocks broken, etc.
* Started on signs
* Started on BeardStats converter

* Fixed MySQLDataTruncation errors (changes row on startup which is needed for this fix)
* Fixed loads of issues regarding the global stats server
* Hugely improved MySQL queries by looking for duplicates before executing them
* Now runs updates on the database every 30 seconds instead of every 3.
* Now using CPV3!
* Now tracks players riding a pig riding a minecart!

* Suppress Datatruncation errors (Please enable debug and tell me what it tells you, it would be a big help to know)

v1.10 (same as v1.11
* Fixed lastjoin and lastleave not working
* Fixed issue with wordssaid
* Added images to web-end for 1.4 new blocks and entities (I forgot to do this last time)
* New way of sending data to the global server, using JSON.
* Added pinging to the global stats server
* Speed increase by using Prepared Statements instead of Statements
* Some other stuff.

==== For older changelogs, check the older files ====

None, please tell me!