


LoginSeguro é um plugin de login,esse plugin não serve para servidores premium,apenas para Servers piratas. Ele serve para cada player ter uma senha de login e register, fazendo com que ninguém entre, na conta de outro jogador sem a senha dele.

O comando /register serve para o jogador ser capaz de criar uma senha e gravá-lo no servidor de modo que ninguém pode entrar na conta desse jogador.

O comando /login é para o jogador entrar na conta que ele criou, usando o /register, então ele será capaz de entrar em sua conta se a senha está correta


LoginSeguro is a login plugin, this plugin is not for premium servers, only to Servers pirates. It is for each player to have a login password and register, so that no one between in the account of another player without his password.

The command /register serves for the player be able to create a password and record it on the server so that no one can enter the account of that player.

The command /login is for the player get into the account he created, using the / register, so he will be able to get into his account if the password is correct


  1. - /login "password"
  2. - /register "password" "password"
  3. - /unregister "password"
  4. - /ls 

Version 2.8:


1. Added SaferMode (RECOMMENDED)

2. Fix bugs

3. Fix Unregister Command

4. Added spawn( /ls setspawn ) (RECOMMENDED)


50 -Downloads[✔] 100-Downloads[✔] 500-Downloads[✔] 1000-Downloads[✔] 3500-Downloads[✘]       




If you are going to install version 3.7 and already had another:


  Enter Player in server,Go to config.yml ,copy Player names , past in Players.yml ,delete config.yml and    reload server 


     1 - http://prntscr.com/ifw5un

     2 - http://prntscr.com/ifw6ha

Br: Entre com um player no servidor,Vá para config.yml,copie os nomes dos players,Abra players.yml cole os nomes,delete a pasta config.yml e reinicie o servidor


     1 - http://prntscr.com/ifw5un

     2 - http://prntscr.com/ifw6ha



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Feb 16, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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