
LoginReward takes the idea that was started in DailyBonus, LoginBonus, RewardMe, etc. and extends it for full control and customization.

What it does

At its most basic level, LoginReward rewards players with either money and/or items when logging into the server. Reward groups are created and configured in the plugin's configuration, and any user who has the appropriate permissions will receive those rewards when logging in. Groups are dynamically created and configured, allowing any number of arbitrary groups, in many different configurations.

LoginReward uses either iConomy5 or iConomy6 to do payouts. If neither are found, a dummy economy will be used. Vault (with its multiple economies) and items will be supported soon.


  1. Download and install LoginReward.jar.
  2. Start and stop the server.
  3. Edit and customize the config.yml found in the plugins/LoginReward directory.


The following default configuration will be created the first time the plugin is loaded:

Cumulative: true
    Amount: 15.0
    Message: BONUS! You earned $amount$ for logging in today!
    Rank: 0
    Amount: 5.0
    Message: VIP, you earned an additional $amount$ bonus!
    Rank: 1

Cumulative: True/False. All rewards will be cumulative (true) or unique (false). Unique rewards be the last, highest ranked reward that the person has permissions for. Default: true

RewardGroups: This is where you define your reward groups. The format for each group is as follows:

<name>:   //one word, used in the permission needed to get the reward
  Amount: <#.##>   //amount in decimal
  Message: <message>   //to display to user
  Rank: <rank>   //higher numbers outranks lower for unique rewards

Two groups are provided by default. They can be modified or deleted. In order for a player to receive the reward, they must have the loginreward.get.<name> permission. <name> should match the name of the group defined under RewardGroups. So, based on the example above, users that get the Normal reward need to have the loginreward.get.normal permission, and VIPs would need to have the loginreward.get.vip permission.

Now REQUIRES Vault. If Vault not found, it will use a dummy balance handler.

To Come

  • Per group cumulative or unique settings
  • Item rewards
  • Vault Support


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 5, 2012
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