

Loginpremium has been made purely to handle everything that comes with login and logout.
I have created this plugin because i could not find a proper plugin to handle everything at once.
And others did just too much, so it gives more lagg.

All versions compatible with all minecraft versions!


  • /Loginpremium or /lp - Base command of the plugin
  • /loginpremium reload or r - Reloads the config from disk, If you have made changes, but not ingame.
  • /loginpremium set or s- Base command of the set function. This will show all options
    • useprivateloginmessage - Accepts true or false. Defines if the private login message will be send
    • usepublicloginmessage - Accepts true or false. Defines if the public login message will be send
    • usepubliclogoutmessage - Accepts true or false. Defines if the public logout message will be send
    • usesendmessageiflessthensetplayerson - Accepts true or false. Defines if all public login/logout messages will be send if server has less then a defined amount of players on. (typing "usesendmessage" is enough :). stupid long word

    • kickoverride - Accepts true or false. Defines if the kickoverrride will be used
    • overridekickmessage- Accepts true or false. Defines if the default kick message will removed/overwritten
    • overridemessages- Accepts true or false. Defines if the default login/logout message will removed/overwritten

    • kickmessage - Will set the kickmessage to anything you set after this.
    • MessagePublicLogin - Will set the Public login message to anything you set after this.
    • MessagePrivateLogin - Will set the Private login message to anything you set after this.
    • MessagePublicLogout - Will set the Public logout message to anything you set after this.

    • spawn- Will set the spawn location for joining players to your current.
    • usespawn- Accepts true or false. Defines if a joining player is beeing teleported to a location
    • sendlogincap- Accepts numbers. Defines the maximum players for usesendmessageiflessthensetplayerson beeing used.

    • default - Sets the config to its default values(like the first time you started with this plugin
  • /Loginpremium + anything else - Will show the default Info message


"/loginpremium" - This will show you the default info message if you do not have the permissisions, will show a help message if you do
"/lp s kickoverride true" - This will set the value of kickoverride to true, and this enable kick override for those with permission
"/lp set default" - This will set theconfig file to its default state, and loads those values into memory
"/lp set MessagePublicLogin &4Welcome <player> to our server!" - This will set the public login message to "Welcome [yourname] to our server!", in red
"/lp reload" - Will reload the config from disk, discarding any changes made in memory.
usesendmessage "/lp s usesendmessage true" - Will set usesendmessageiflessthensetplayerson to true. use this as a shortener :)


Allows user access to every loginpremium command
Sends the login message from the player to the entire server
Makes the player able to login when the server is full
Makes the player able to reload the config file with /lp reload
Makes the player able to set stuff in the config file ingame with /lp set [xx]
Defines if the user is allowed to see anything else then then info message. Give this to anyone you want to be able to reload or set

Config tags:

&[colornumber] for colors
<name> = The name of the player.
<nickname> = The nickname of the player.
<xplevel> = The XP level of the player.
<world> = The world the player spawns in.
<ip> = The player his IP.
<op> = IF the player is OP.
<maxplayers> = The server's max players
<whitelisted> = If the player is whitelisted.
<motd> = The server's MOTD.
<space> = Places a space here if the character before this is no space
<viewdistance> = The server his view distance.

Vault or permissionsEX :
<prefix> = the prefix of the player in its current world
<suffix> = the suffix of the player in its current world)
<prefixcolor> = the color of the player's prefix

Factions :
<title> = the title the player has in his faction
<tag> = the tag from the player his faction

<townname> = returnrs the real town name
<towntag> = returns the tag of the town
<towntitle> = return the title of the player in the town
<nationname> = the name of the nation
<nationtag> = the tag of the nation
<surname> = the surname of the player
<friendsonline> = get a list of townly friends online

<heroclass> -> The name of the class this hero is using
<herolevel> -> The level of this hero
<mana> -> the amount of mana this hero has
<mana%> -> the percentage of mana this hero has left


This is a message you could see if you have configued it like this: "<prefix><name><prefixcolor> has logged in"
This is the default info message: Yes shameless advertising for my own server :3

This is a kick message you could see if you have configued it like this: "&4Server is full unfortuantely :( &f- &6Please try again later!"
This is the message which you can see if you typ /loginpremium set, or /loginpremium set j7g3jygjygjj (random things)


  • Allow < [text="" here]=""> to be used inside a message. It currently gets removed.
  • Allow multiple lines using /n
  • Fix further, and still unknown, bugs
  • Ideas?


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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