- this is a lobby plugin it was made as a request for Mas.L
- /setlobby : set's the lobby
- /lobby : teleport's you to the lobby
- lobby.set : give's permission to use the /setlobby command
- lobby.use : give's permission to use the /lobby command
- lobby.sign.create : give's permission to create a lobby sign
- lobby.sign.use :give's permission to use lobby signs
- lobby.sign.break :give's permission to break a sign IF signprotection in the config is set to true
- You Can Set The Message For If the Player Doesent Have Permission
- You Can Not Have More Then 1 lobby
- If You have Any Sugestions Please Leave Them Belowe
- Sugestion For A New Pluign PM Me And Il Look At It
- ==== What Color's Mean ====
- red = under development
- blue = going to be in next update
- green = finished
- ==== The Futures ====
- Item Click Teleportation 0% done
- Multi Lobby 10% done
- Costum Gui 0% done
- Signs 100% done
- warmup 80% done
- lobbymessage on/off 70% done
- and mutch mutch more comming soon
- Line:Lobby's
- Line:lobby
- if you already have a version installed follow these steps
- put in the new file
- delete the old config
- reload the server
- setthelobby
- if this is you first use
- put in the file
- reload
- setlobby
=====Thanks For The 1000+ Downloads Guy=====
Guys Thank You So Mutch For All The Support And Downloads
- Get 500 Downloads
- Get 1000 Downloads
Hey im making a dev team now you ask yourself a what. my dev team will just be a team of plugin developers and together we will make bigger projects everyone can joinno requirement im making a site for it but until then if you want to apply pm me. We Still Need:
- Developers
- Maintainers
- Translators
- Documenters
- Testers
- Feel Free To Apply!!!
- If You Like My work And Want to Help Me Get Better And Better Please Donate
==>>Sponsored By<<==
- Make Money To Buy A Server Where I Will Run All My Plugins (Including The Plugins In Alpha And Development)
yo creo que es como yo creo pero si es te felicito
how can i allow players who are not operators to use the lobby command to teleport them to the lobby and i have a question if it is possible to set up lobby1 and lobby2 please. ????????????
how can i let players that aren't operators to use lobby command for teleporting them to lobby ????????????
In reply to crisustreaming:
Hi there, a long long time ago I made this and I was looking at it for nostalgia's sake when
I saw your post. if you want I will make you a custom version just because you reacted on it almost 8 years after the original release which I find awesome to see as this was the first plugin I ever made under the most cringe name ever.
hit me up on discord PhoenixTheDev#1459. and I will hook you up with something more up to date and a bit better as my skill level is way higher then it was back then.
Ich möchte das jeder Spieler /lobby machen kann!
I would like to be a Tester!!! I love Configing and MINECRAFT AND TESTING and I am a teach on Fun Parks Inc. Grand Opening March 19, 2016 it has a 2 Custom Parks one Fun Parks second Disney Shows
Thank you very much for the feedback, if you think it sucks that much then I would be happy to test your better plugin. since well making a statement like that I take it you can do better then me years ago.
Kind regards,
ImTheDev ~Back from being gone
Hi people,
I am back from being gone and I will start recoding the plugin right this moment. I am very sorry for being gone so long and I am very thankful for all the people downloading the plugin. 38000+ downloads I never though that that number would be possible to get, its absolutly amazing to see that number. I hope that everyone who wants to use the plugin can wait a bit longer.
ImTheDev aka Elsket
Hey! I'd like to be a Tester :) I'd like to apply :) Thanks! MC IGN-Nolan_Games Bucket IGN- DevChickenAgen1t
can it work in bc server? a server transferred to lobby server?
it sucks
Dear Ezreal
As you can see I did not abandon this plugin I just lost my login, I am remaking it and I am going to post the link soon. This time it will include all the promised features :) Also creative name, maybe next time don't steal it from a LoL champ.
Apparently this plugin abandoned, I am developing a new plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/setlobby/
I am ImTheDev but I kinda forgot my login, sorry for not updating the plugin for a while but I am back and im going to work on updating Lobby's right away I will post the link to the new plugin in the comments. Thanks for getting this many downloads guys.
Only give this permisiĆ³n lobby.use and then they will be abil to use /lobby
How I can allow other players to the lobby? Only Ops can go to the lobby, but if you are new on my server, you dont respawn on the lobby and you dont have permission to go there. Please help.
I was wondering if you could make it so that you can have multiple lobby's eg. if you type /lobby in that would it will take you to the lobby of that would then if you type /lobby again you will get telepoted to the main lobby.
Video Tutorial on the Plugin
Credits: (AbsintoJ/Lobby)
Man if u want i can translate it for portuguese for u!