

Turn your images into pixel art!

This page was written for Version 1.21 and 1.3. It may not include changes covered in a future version.

Video & ScreenShots

Click here to start video at the /art command tutorial. Remember, you don't have to manually apply dithering anymore.
Click here to start video at the 'apply dithering' tutorial. In case you are interested in seeing a comparison.
Click here to start the video to see more examples A few examples of pictures and other things.

Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/W-f5mSuKe3c?fs=1

Click here for Screenshots


Easily create Pixel Art builds of your images.

  • No need to edit images before importing.
  • Supports most image formats and transparency.
  • Import from a file or URL.
  • Build upright or flat on the ground, in many orientations.
  • Re-sizes images automatically to fit into the world.
  • A very customizable color palette. Add other blocks into your artwork!
  • Optionally apply dithering into your artwork.
  • Undo the last import.


Command:Description and Usage Examples:Permission:Default:Console:
/art**/art [image:URL] [N:E:S:W:NE:NW:SE:SW] dither invertllamaart.artOPsNo
Orientations - Upright: N, E, S, W
Orientations - Flat: NE, NW, SE, SW
/art myimage.png n
Builds myimage.png upright and to the North.
/art myimage.jpg s dither
Builds myimage.jpg upright and to the South with dithering.
/art http://oooorgle.com/images/FreeDomainRadio.png w dither
Builds FreeDomainRadio.png to the West with dithering.
/art myimage.bmp nw invert dither
Builds myimage.bmp flat on the ground and inverted to the North-West with dithering.
/art http://oooorgle.com/images/FreeDomainRadio.png se invert
Builds FreeDomainRadio.png flat on the ground and inverted to the South-East.
/art list
List the image files in the plugin directory.
/art toggle check
Toggles checking for pixel conflicts. A pixel conflict is a pixel that cannot be matched to a color in the palette.
/art toggle palette
Toggles if the color palette should be applied to the image.Turn palette off if you want to apply it yourself. This can sometimes produce a better image quality.
/art toggle transparent
Toggles removing of existing blocks in the transparent areas of the pixel art.
/art undo
UN-does the last import.
/art log
Logs a list of pixel conflicts detected in the last loaded image to PixelConflicts.html in the plugin folder.


  1. Copy to your plugins folder.
  2. Add the permission 'llamaart.art' to those you wish to be able to use the /art command. We recommend OPs only. (Ops have access by default)
  3. Restart your server.
  4. Copy the images you want to import to the plugins\llamaArt folder. Images are case-sensitive. No spaces in the image file names.

  • Edit or create pixel-to-block translations, Learn more.


This plugin contains MCStats, which will collect basic information about your server. Click here to learn more.



For support and bug reporting please use the BukkitDev ticket system.

Known Caveats

  • Too large of imports can cause lag. If you have used WorldEdit much then you know what I mean.
  • If you use Multicraft to install plugins you may get "Failed to install plugin: Malformed plugin info llamagrapple:" error. Manually installing the plugin works just fine. Suggestions are appreciated on how to fix this.


  1. Add additional orientations, (Orientations - Diagonal: ND, SD, ED, WD, NDE, NDW, SDE, SDW, EDN, EDS, WDN, WDS). I have this working although it creates a heavier load on the server working the 3d vs 2d planes. (included in 1.4)
  2. Throttle block placement. Large imports can cause lag or crashes. (included in 1.4)
  3. Adjust starting block position so that damage is not dealt to player upon import starting. (included in 1.4)

    • Suggestions for improvements and additions to the next build are welcome in the comments.

Source Code

Not yet but, <3 CopyHeart <3