
This plugin is a quick little project that I did because I was bored. This one was commissioned by dragondeatth from this thread.

This is a very simplistic plugin that will give the user a URL when they right click on specific signs.

Commands {Required permissions}

  • /linksign - Shows all of the in-game help and credits.
  • /linksign add <name> <url> - Creates (or edits an already existing) a URL to be linked on a sign. {LinkSign.add}
  • /linksign list [page] - Shows a list of URLs on the server. {LinkSign.add}
  • /linksign remove <name> - Removes the specified URL (by name) from the server. {LinkSign.remove}


  • LinkSign.use - Allows a user to retrieve the link from a sign by using it.
  • LinkSign.add - Allows a user to create links that can be added to a sign.
  • LinkSign.remove - Allows a user to remove links that can be added to signs.
  • OP gets all permissions by default.

The signs

Anybody can place a sign that has a link tied to it, but only people with the specific permissions to create URLs can add to the list of linkable websites. The four lines on a sign have to be:

  1. [URL]
  2. <name>
  3. Anything
  4. Anything

All of the URLs are saved to the server in "plugins/LinkSign/URLs.bin" to allow an easy way to store values without having to use complicated SQL for such a simple task. Don't delete this file unless you're fine with losing all of your links.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions... Just leave a comment and I'll get back to you.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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