
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Limited Godmode

Dear Anyone. I am unfortunately done with Bukkit. I know the staff will probably begin removing my plugins and for this, I'm sorry. Bukkit has become a chore and decided to focus on furthering screwing up their community and restricting code. For this reason: I urge you to read my friends Bergekillers' post here. Then start reminiscing of the good old days. Goodbye users of Bukkit and my plugins. I cannot work within a jail anymore. This will be the last and final update to this plugin. Again, I'm sorry. But programming for Bukkit is just not fun.


Limited Godmode or Lgod, is a simple, lightweight damage manager that watches what damage a player takes and allows the player to either receive the damage or the block the damage based on the configuration settings. Perfect for those useless mods and admins that abuse their powers completely, simply give the permissions to the group or player of your choice and go at it!

Configuration Preview

Use_Plugin: true
Block_Lava_Damage: true
Block_Explosion_Damage: true
Block_Fire_Damage: true
Block_Starvation_Damage: true
Block_Fall_Damage: true
Block_EntityAttack_Damage: true
Block_EntityExplode_Damage: true
Block_Drowning_Damage: true
Block_Lightning_Damage: true
Block_Magic_Damage: true
Block_Melting_Damage: true
Block_Poison_Damage: true
Block_Void_Damage: true
Block_Suffocation_Damage: true
Block_Projectile_Damage: true


  • /lgod - Enables Limited Godmode
  • /lugod - Disables Limited Godmode


  • LGod.command.lgod
  • LGod.command.lugod


  • Damage per player instead of full group.

Known Bugs

  • None yet.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 14, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 14, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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