
Want your levers to become more AWESOME? Then get Levers+!

Well.. What is Levers+?

Levers+ adds more features and functionality to your standard levers, such as lever protection, a lever whitelist, and MORE!


Sorry, there aren't many features at the moment. I need you guys to make suggestions so that I can improve and further develop this plugin!

Current Features Include:

  • Lever protection and use prevention
  • Lever whitelist so you can add or remove people from using your lever
  • Flip your lever with a command without flipping it on/off yourself


  • Type /lever for the standard help screen
  • /lever select [info] - Selects the lever that you are looking at. If you add the argument "info", you will go into Info Mode, where you can click a lever and see all the information about it if you are the owner, or if you are not, it will show the person that owns that lever.
  • /lever define {name} - Defines the lever you have previously selected as the name that you specify.
  • /lever remove {name} - Removes the lever of the name that you have specified.
  • /lever info {name} - Displays info about the lever name you have specified.
  • /lever (allow / disallow) {Player} {name} - Allows or disallows a player to use the lever of the name that you specify.
  • /lever flip {name} - No matter where you are, you can manage your lever from a simple command! Once you type the command, you will be notified if it was turned on and off.
  • /lever reload - Reloads the plugin and the config.


  • leversplus.general - General command usage. (Select, Define, Remove, Allow/Disallow)
  • leversplus.info - Allows the use of /lever info and /lever select info.
  • leversplus.flip - Allows the player to use /lever flip.
  • leversplus.bypass - Permissions to bypass levers (Destroy and see all info on them).
  • leversplus.reload - Allows the reloading of the plugin.

Further Explained

  • If a player is an owner of the lever and they break it or the supporting block, the lever data will be removed and the lever deleted. This also goes for people with the leversplus.bypass permission.
  • Yes, if you flip a lever, it will create a redstone signal. This could be cool for a super secret door or something! (Someone should totally do this!)
  • Other people cannot break the lever or supporting block of a lever that is claimed unless you are the strict owner or have the permission leversplus.bypass.
  • People won't be able to use the lever without being allowed by you.
  • Please don't mess with the config, it is all used for data storage. (Pretty please! :) )

Known bugs

  • None that I know of so far! Please let me know if you find one so that I am able to fix it right away!

Planned Features

  • Give me some ideas!

Thanks for all of your support guys, and I hope you enjoy this plugin!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 28, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 1, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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