main/Config File

The config file defaults are set up for balance right now. However, if you want to change things up here is what each option means.

Pretty self explanatory really, it is default set at 102400 which is nearly identical to a stack of 64 coal being burned in a furnace.
It accepts values from 1 to 2147483647, 1 being ridiculously fast and 2147483647 being nearly 3 and a half years real time.
The lava in the crucible will decrease at set intervals based on how much time is left on the furnace.
This accepts a value from 1 to 4.
1 is normal cook time, 4 is 4x faster then normal.
This accepts either true or false values.
True means that when you first power a lava furnace it will never run out of power.
False is recommended and the lava will run out based on the value set in the furnace timer.
A value from 0 to a really REALLY big number is accepted here.
This value is used to determine how many lava furnaces a player may own.
This accepts either true or false values.
True enables production chests.
This accepts either true or false values.
True will disable LavaFurnace permissions checks entirely.
This accepts either true or false values.
True will disable LavaFurnace permissions checks for opening chests only.
This accepts either true or false values.
True will allow lavafurnace to check the source chest for fuel items.
This accepts either true or false values.
If set to true lavafurnace will use large chest capacity.
This accepts either true or false values.
If set to true the furnace can not be damaged by explosions.
Protection in a 7 block radius from the center of the furnace.
This accepts either true or false values.
If set to true no furnace block can be pushed or pulled by a piston.
This accepts either true or false values.
If set to true admins are allowed to enter LavaFurnace commands into the server console.
this accepts either true or false values.
if this is set to true the lavafurnace sign will update with the percentage of lava fuel left in the crucible.
This accepts comma separated integer values.
Any values entered here are accepted as valid smeltable items for a furnace.
Regardless of if they actually can be smelted.
This accepts either true of false values
If set to false the furnace will use fuel from the crucible even if there is nothing to smelt or if the chunk the furnace is in is unloaded.
This is a comma separated list of integer values
Any values entered here are accepted as valid fuel items for a furnace.
Regardless of if they actually are a fuel.
This accepts defined valid block types for the top most layer of the furnace.
This accepts defined valid block types for the second layer of the furnace.
This accepts defined valid block types for the bottom layer of the furnace.
This accepts defined valid block types for the belt that runs around the middle of the furnace.
This accepts defined valid block types for the crucible door of the furnace.
1 allows users to put lava blocks into the furnace for power, permissions node is listed above.
2 info on create a furnace.
3 info on furnaces being deleted.
4 is for permissions checks.
5 is to show exceptions traps.
6 is for detailed building debugging *requires admin build permissions.
this is a comma separated list of plugins that lavafurnace should watch out for and try to be compatible with.
use the proper name for the plugins here, the name can be found in the plugin.yml file in their respective jar files.