What does it do?
LaunchPad creates fun "Launchpads" that when stepped on, will launch you forward, and up, therefor "Launching" you! This is a recreation of "The Hive's" plugin, as many people have asked where they can find it.
/launcherNo permission node. Just displays plugin info.
launcher.launch(OP by default. Use Launchpads)
How to use:
1. Install Plugin
2. Restart Server
3. Configure Config(Currently only sound and effect, just leave blank for none)
4. Restart server again
5. Place your BLOCK-ID block down...with a stone pressure plate on top
6. Step on it, and be launched!
SOUND: This is the sound that is played when you are launched(Defaults to bat takeoff)
EFFECT: This is the effect that is shown when you are launched(Defaults to ender)
BLOCK-ID: This is the block underneath the pressure plate. (Defaults to emerald block)
These can be filled with effects from the links below:
To-DO Features:
-Configurable Velocities
You shameless plug.
For those who want a better plugin, with configurable velocities on all axis, customisable soud and effect (with radius), configurable plate, block and message, take a look at this:
The folder is called EmeraldLauncher2 for some reason, I think it's because the default launch block is an Emerald block
Theres no config folder? if there is one then what is it called
Can you please hurry up the velocities please or give us the source code.
When I reload the server the config doesn't load...
How can you make it so a regular player that joins can use the launch pad?
You can do this with World Guard.
can u disable fall damage?
Could you please enable this with Gold and Iron pressure plates?
Nice, Also what new plugin are you working on. Hope to see a version of this that does not conflict with NoCheatPlus Survival Fly, For now I just use it in my Main Hub and exempt them from survival fly restrictions in that world since there is nothing but the hub in it.
I am gonna work on some updates to this. Should be out sometime soon.
I will be releasing a new plugin, with WAY more features, and it will be updated properly. Should be up for review within 24 hours.
Could you make it so it NoCheatPlus does not give Survival Fly warnings and kicking the players?
It works with 1.7.2.
You can simply claim a region with WorldGuard and add /region flag (region id) invincible allow
to make them have NO fall damage. No problem.
I would suggest adding fall protection (via potion effect?) to not harm players on landing.
How do i change the velocity of the jump?
Please update this to 1.7.2!
Thank you, Zola II
try this