
Default config file for LandValue

# Config file for LandValue plugin by iiSnipez

# This plugin uses mcstats metrics to send information about the server it is running on. To opt-out, turn this to false
Metrics: true

# Generate a value once (true), or allow players to repeatedly see the value of a chunk as it is changed (false)
# default is false
OneTimeValue: false

# Cooldown to use the command (seconds)
# default is true
# default is 1800 (30 mins)
Cooldown: true
Duration: 1800
# Factions support
# Allow the use of land value in other faction territory?
# default is false
UseInOtherTerriory: false

# Economy support
# Make the command cost money (true), or be free to use (false)
# Change Amount to your desired cost to use the command
  Enabled: true
  Amount: 100.00

# Adjust values of the blocks here
# Set values to 0 to assign no worth to them
# Modify values as you see fit to match the economy of your server
# Some values contain all types of that material (wood means all types of wood, etc)
# Other is blocks that are not included in this list
  Air: 0
  Bedrock: 0
  Clay: 1
  HardenedClay: 1
  Cobblestone: 1
  MossyCobblestone: 10
  Dirt: 1
  Grass: 1
  Gravel: 1
  Ice: 1
  PackedIce: 1
  Leaves: .5
  MonsterSpawner: 100
  Mycelium: 3
  Obsidian: 5
  Prismarine: 10
  Sand: 1
  Sandstone: 1
  SeaLantern: 10
  Snow: 1
  Stone: 1
  Water: 1
  Wood: 1
  CoalOre: 10
  DiamondOre: 75
  EmeraldOre: 75
  GoldOre: 50
  IronOre: 20
  LapisOre: 30
  RedstoneOre: 25
  Other: 1
# Message to send upon use of command
# <x> and <z> are the coordinates of the chunk
# <value> is the calculated value of the chunk
ValueMessage: '&2The chunk at &e<x>&2, &e<z> &2is worth &e<value>&2!'

# Message if chunk value has already been determined (requires OneTimeValue: true)
# <time> is the time that the chunks value was determined
OneTimeValueMessage: '&2The chunk at &e<x>&2, &e<z> &2was determined to be worth &e<value> &2at &e<time>&2.'

# No permission message
NoPermMessage: '&4You do not have permission to use this command.'

# No permission in other faction territory message
NoPermInFacMessage: '&4You cannot use that command in other faction territory.'

# Withdraw message
# <cost> the cost to use the command
# <bal> new balance
WithdrawMessage: '&2You used &e$<cost> &2to see the value of this chunk. You have &e<bal> &2remaining.'

# Not enough money message
NotEnoughMoneyMessage: '&4You need &e$<cost> &4to use this command! You have &e$<cost>&4.'

# Cooldown message
CooldownMessage: '&4You must wait &c<seconds> &4seconds to use this command again.'


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