

Step 1:

Download KPerms.jar, place it in your plugins folder, and start your server.

Step 2:

Navigate to /plugins/KPerms/, you will find config.yml, and two folders (groups, and playerdata). Go into groups, and open default.yml. Add in any permissions you want. Example

- users.get.this.permission
- -users.dont.get.this.permission

When you've done this, save the file.

Step 3:

Open config.yml, change any messages to whatever you want, and if you've changed the name of default.yml, change defaultGroup too.

Step 4:

Type /kperms reload as console or any user with permission. (Ops by default.) Now, when a new user logs in, their group should be set to defaultGroup, which (by default) is default. If you want the users to be members of multiple groups, type /kperms user <name> group add <group>. Now, create your groups (/kperms group <group> add) and setup their permissions, and add your users groups!

Step 5:

You're done! That wasn't too hard, was it?