Knapsack (backpack)

( backpack ) Knapsacks

Knapsacks are backpacks on steroids for MineCraft. Injected with a ton of options for both players and server owners, Knapsacks should prove to be a valuable asset to any MineCraft server.


Knapsacks allow players to craft & give themselves and other players additional inventory slots. Knapsacks is packed with options for the player as well as for server owners and operators. Among those are the infamous Auto-Filling. Auto filling allows player to control what items get stored in their Knapsacks and when. Depending on how Knapsacks is configured, players will be able to keep items organized in Knapsacks Auto-Fills. Players have,for the most part, complete control on when items are filled to a Knapsack both before and after their inventory is full!

Another under-rated feature is the Knapsack expiry system. This system was built with the server owners in mind to stop the abuse of Knapsacks (crafting excessive packs, giving, dropping, etc..). Optionally, server owners can set limits on how many of a specific size Knapsack each player can have at any given point as well as an overall setting of all Knapsack sizes a player has.

Knapsacks is exactly what the name states, a Backpack on steroids! Jammed with many, many more options and more still coming

Always update to the latest for all bug fixes and latest Auto-Fill and other enhancements!

If your using plugin managers like plugman, etc.. DO NOT UNLOAD and LOAD Knapsacks using these plugins. You will have nothing but errors and exceptions due to database connections and event compiling priorities. You MUST restart your server when updating!

If you are running less than 1.0.28 Update now. Enhancements, Bugs and New Features Added!

Knapsack Releases/Builds:

Spigot/Bukkit 1.8.x: Bukkit/Spigot - Knapsacks-v1.0.28-Bukkit_Spigot_1_8_x

Bukkit/Spigot 1.7.10: Bukkit/Spigot - Knapsacks-v1.0.28-Bukkit_Spigot_1_7_10


Completely Configurable

6 Different Steroids (9-54 slots - more coming)Inventory Auto-Filling (1.0.12+)
Right-Click Sack while in Inv. GUI to Open another Sack!!Right Click Normally to Open!
Give Sacks a default nameControl volume and pitch levels
Claim a found KnapsackCraft any size
Keep Knapsacks when you DieCustom Messaging
Global Black ListingSack Level Black Listing
Rename Using AnvilsRename using commands
Clear a Knapsack with simple commandClear and drop whats in a Knapsack at your feet
Share KnapsacksKnapsack Thieving (not 100%)
Enable each Size KnapsackUse Knapsacks stored any where!!
Global World ExclusionsSack Level World Exclusions
Stash Knapsacks inside each otherLimits for each Sack
Upgrade KnapsacksPlace Limits on How Many at each Sack Level
Recipes for each SackMenu is Permission Based - keeps it short
Sizing for each SackKnapsack Expiry System, player and system to control abuse and lack of use
Weight for each SackBuilt-in filtering system for naming
Restricted Hot-Bar SwappingRestricted Creative Use
Forbidden Monster Egg SpawningConfigurable Stashing Containers
Knapsack RecoverySupports Minecraft Name Changes
SQL controlled databasesConfigurable "command" for performing player cleanup of expired sacks
There is more.....Interface Knapsacks with Signs, Blocks etc.. to Buy, Sell, or just to use a chest directly; known as "Knapsack Interface" (1.0.20+)

Installation & Configuration

Installation & Configuration

Download the Knapsacks jar file.
Drop it in your plugins folder on your server.
Re-start your server.
Download your config that is automatically created at start up and Edit with your specific server settings for Knapsacks -or- just use the defaults and give it a go!!
Upload the editted config.yml back to your server and restart your server or use " /ks reload " from the console

Frequently Asked Questions:

I have compiled a bunch of questions with answers into it's own page rather than clutter this page. So if you have questions, please direct yourself to: Frequentl Asked Questions Page. If your question is not answered then please post a comment in the FAQ page and it will be answered as well as updated into the FAQ page!

Configuration Components:

The configuration for Knapsacks is pretty straight forwards. However due to the size of the config, I am only listing the components of the config on this page. Please see Installation & Configuration for complete configuration, broken down into the components.

The configuration is broken down into 6 Sections(click link above/below for config)
Config: (many things to config in here)
Sounds: (you make the choice!)
Notification Services (1.0.12+)
Knapsacks (sacks):

Installation & Configuration


Please see the Knapsacks Commands for a complete listing of all that Knapsack offers. In addition, the command page details the prerequisite or general permission node required for that command. However, each command Knapsack has may have additional functionality outside of the basic command which requires more permissions nodes.

All Permission Nodes & Easy Groups

For a complete listing of all permissions nodes and Pre-built Knapsack Permission Groups, visit the Permissions Page

Auto Filling 101

Auto Filling 101 details all the functionality behind Knapsack Auto-Filling as well as a complete list of commands and permissions for Auto Filling.

Knapsack Expiry System 101

Expiry System 101 details all the functionality behind Knapsack the Knapsack Expiry System for both Players and the Server. Also on this page is the complete list of commands and permissions for Knapsack Expiry System.

Knapsack Interface 101 (commonly called Knapsack Int)

Knapsack Interface 101 details all the functionality behind Linking Knapsacks for server and player shops, player private uses with chest, signs, etc... as well as a complete list of commands and permissions for Knapsack Interface.

Knapsack Stashing 101

Knapsack Stashing 101 details all the functionality behind Knapsack Stashing as well as a complete list of commands and permissions for Knapsack Stashing.

Monster Egg / Knapsack Id Reference

Here is a complete reference chart with each respective Knapsack for the Monster Eggs durability/typeId. Monser Egg to Knapsack Cross Reference Chart

Default Crafting Recipes

These are completely configurable but by request, I've added this section as a quick reference! Images shown are are all the defaults that come configured when you first install Knapsacks. All default crafting recipes are located in 'images' tab of the site.

Screen Shots:

The screen shots show most of the features in Knapsacks for this release. Will continue to add more and update as the features change...
Take a look at some screen shots!


If you come across any bugs or issues or if you have any suggestions? Submit Issues and/or Suggestions Here

Resource Packs

Want to add the realism of the Plug-in to your GUI. Download one or all of the resource packs available now. | Knapsack Resource Packs


  • Convert all in-line messages to language file
  • Convert English language file to other languages (help wanted)
  • Add Sheathing Options - Show that Sack on your back!
  • Add ability to interface Knapsacks with Shops, Chests... (completed-2-1-15:1.0.20+)
  • Add ability to sell directly from Knapsacks (completed-1-24-15:1.0.20+)
  • Add Creative Restrictions on Knapsacks (completed-1-24-15:1.0.20+)
  • Add Support to stop Hot-bar Swapping (completed-1-24-15:1.0.20+)
  • Add ability to exclude a preferred item (filling first and/or over-flow)
  • Fix when players are allowed to drop Knapsacks (partial:1.0.16a)
  • Add option to Auto-Fill Stashed Knapsacks (logical?)
  • Add separate Knapsack Inventories for Creative and Survival (restrictive:1.0.20+)
  • Add option to restrict use of Knapsack in Creative (more restrictive:1.0.16-1.0.20)
  • World Exclusions, Global and Per Sack (completed-10-20-14:1.0.12+)
  • Player Sack Expiry and Global Auto Clean (completed-10-19-14:1.0.12+)
  • Death Control (completed-10-10-14:1.0.11+)
  • Knapsack stashing enhancements (completed-12-24-14:1.0.18+)
  • Right-Click Knapsack to Open it, same Inv. GUI (completed-10-21-14:1.0.12+)
  • Knapsack Auto-Fill (100%) (completed-11-15-14:1.0.12+)
  • Update with general console cmds (completed-11-15-14:1.0.12+)
  • Migration Manager for Upgrades (completed-11-15-14:1.0.12+)
  • Complete Thieving Features (stalled)
  • Knapsack Upgrades (stalled)
  • Complete Realism Features (in-progress)
  • Sharing Features (completed-10-12-14:1.0.11+)
  • Add Knapsack Recovery System (completed: 2-5-15:10.020)
    • Supports when "deathsacks" is disabled and players do not return
      for their Knapsacks
    • or some other freakish event occurred where player might lose Knapsack
  • Add Share Items and Items Manager for Shares
  • Add Knapsack Eco System
    • allow buying and selling of Knapsacks
  • Add Knapsack Transformation Option for each Sack.
    • Player finds it, they can transform the item into a Knapsack of said [size]
  • Resource Pack for Knapsack Icons (completed-10-18-14:1.0.12+)

Release Notes


Versions 1.0.16d and below require Vault (1.4.x)
Versions 1.0.17 and above require either Vault 1.4.x or Vault 1.5.x depending on the MC API (bukkit or spigot/bukkit) you are using.

Need Help?

If you come across any bugs or issues or if you have any suggestions? Submit Issues and/or Suggestions Here

Wanna Donate?

Care to help keep Knapsacks alive! I could use a new coffee maker!!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 8, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

