Installation and Configuration


Download the respective Knapsacks jar file Drop it in your plugins folder on your server Re-start your server. Download your config that is automatically created at start up. Edit to your hearts content..


The configuration for Knapsacks is pretty simple but due to the size of the configuration and each of its components, I will list each component, but not each of the Knapsacks sizes configuration...

The configuration is broken down into 5 Sections:

  • Plugin:
  • Config:
  • Sounds:
  • Notification Services (1.0.12+)
  • PlayerFeeds:
  • Knapsacks (sacks):

Config Section:


# NOTE: When making configuration changes, always make sure you have a space between the semi-colon (:) and the actual setting.
#       If you want to validate your Configuration after changes, copy all of it and click the YAML Validator link below. Paste your copy to validate.
# Validation and Lookup Links:
# YAML VALIDATOR:                 
# MATERIAL LIST:                  
# ITEM ID LIST:                   
# EGGS/IDS CHARTS:                
# SOUNDS/EVENTS:                  
# Please do not touch the (Plugin) settings!
  configVersion: 1.1.4
  databaseVersion: 1.1.1
  debug: false
  movePick: -5
# Both Database Clean-Up Days control when player will either receive notifications regarding Knapsacks that have not been access/used within (x) days.
# Each setting differs in how it affect players with and without permission nodes.  Knapsacks that expire means the player has not USED/OPEN/ACCESSED them at all
# Player-Clean-Up-Days- Number of days before unused Knapsacks are removed from the player database, including inventory stored in Knapsacks.
#                       Setting this to anything other 0 (zero) will also enable Knapsack Expiry Notifications and Listings.
#                       See (NotificationServices) below for that configuration and uses...
#                       See permissions node (knapsacks.clean.override) also as any player having this node will not receive notifications regarding
#                       expired Knapsacks. Control of player with this permission node will lie in the (System-Clean-Up-Days).
# System-Clean-Up-Days- Number of days before unused Knapsacks are removed from the player database, including inventory stored in Knapsacks.
#                       This setting gives ultimate power to server owners for Knapsacks so players are not abusing high limits as well as high
#                       player-clean-up-days.
#                       This setting SUPERSEDES any player that has permission node (knapsacks.clean.override) and (knapsacks.clean.drops). No Drops on system clean!
#                       Ultimately if you just want to allow players to have unused knapsacks for (x) days and are not really concerned about cleaning the database
#                       globally, set the player clean up days to a reasonable value that will expire those unused knapsacks.
#                       Then set the system clean up days to 0 or 365 or something high.
# Suggested Settings for Clean-Up-Days:                       
# Player-Clean-Up-Days: 90            - Players will have knapsacks expire every 90 days from the knapsacks last used date(open/access) (Items DROP)!
# System-Clean-Up-Days: 180+          - All Players will have unused knapsacks removed 180+ days from the knapsacks last used date. Items DO NOT DROP!
# Another scenario with the clean up settings.  Suppose you want to allow your players the option of cleaning up their knapsacks, especially those who you dont give
# the (knapsacks.clean.drops) permissions node too.  You can set the player days to like 90 and the system days to like 95 or higher.  Having it set like this you
# would want to disable auto-clean at logout and/or auto-clean on confirm so the players sacks don't get removed/cleaned.  Then this will allow all your players
# a grace period of 5+ days to get their crap cleaned up.
  Player-Clean-Up-Days: 90
  System-Clean-Up-Days: 180
# AllowNonOwnerRenaming- Provides the ability for a player whom has picked up another players knapsack to rename it, via command line or an anvil
# AllowNonOwnerTakeOwnershipWhenEmpty- Allows a player to take ownership of a knapsack if its empty and owned by another player
# AllowPlayersToDropSacks - NOT RECOMMENDED! Allows players to drop their Knapsacks! Default is only if its empty! Helps to prevent accidental drop-page of Sacks!
#   RequireEmpty - Demands that the player Knapsack be EMPTY before allowing it to be dropped when AllowPlayersToDropSacks is enabled.
  AllowNonOwnerRenaming: true  
  AllowNonOwnerTakeOwnershipWhenEmpty: true
    Enabled: false
    RequireEmpty: true
# ProtectSacksInChests will allow players to store knapsacks in their chests without other players without specific permission nodes to touch them.
# In order for a player to touch a knapsack in a chest the player would need the knapsacks.touch.other permission node.
  ProtectSacksInChests: true
# KnapsackStashing: Provides the ability for a player to stash knapsacks inside other knapsacks or chests. - Want to turn off stashing, set enabled to false.
# AllowCrafted: Allows players to stash New or Crafted Knapsacks (no owner yet) inside other knapsacks or chests. - Default is False
# Uom represents the number of blocks or meters away the player is from the Knapsack that is stashed via the /ks port command.
# Uom can be set to (metric or block)
# Disallow: Provides the ability to restrict containers other than Chests, from Knapsack Stashing(placing knapsacks into and out of). All Containers are parsed at execution, so (ENDER_CHEST = ENDERCHEST). Valid Containers or inventory types are: (ANVIL, BEACON, BREWING, CHEST, CRAFTING, DISPENSER, DROPPER, ENCHANTING, ENDER_CHEST, FURNACE, HOPPER, MERCHANT and WORKBENCH) If there is a container you would like to add, do so below give it a go!
# NOTE:  Setting Workbench to True will not allow your players to remove Crafted Knapsacks.  Additionally, leave this to false to support future release of Knapsack upgrades where the player will be required to place "x" amount of crafted Knapsacks of [size] into the crafting slots to receive an upgraded and/or larger Knapsack.  Furthermore, setting "Anvil" to true will not allow players to rename Knapsacks with an Anvil.  There are the two exceptions to the rule and its suggested to leave these two containers at their default setting, false.
    Enabled: true
    AllowCrafted: false
    - EnderChest,true
    - Furnace,true
    - Workbench,false
    - Merchant,true
    - Anvil,false
    - Brewing,true
    - Dispenser,true
    - Enchanting,true
    - Hopper,true
    - Beacon,true
    Uom: metric
    PortSafeMessages: true
    PortToPlayerMessage: true
# RightClickActions allows players to continue to use right-click as the normal function for that block.  By default, whenever a Knapsack is right-clicked
# the Knapsack will open.  You can adjust this behaviour by toggling any of the action blocks below.   To disable all of them and use Knapsack Opening on right-click
# for everything, toggle the enabled setting to affect these blocks globally.  Otherwise, just leave it enabled and toggle each block you do or dont want.
# To clarify: If you leave the default settings (True), then Right Clicking with a Knapsack will perform the natural right clicking of the block. Ex: Chest - Chest will open
#             with a Knapsack in-hand and Right-Clicked on.  Setting to False will Always open the Knapsack when interacted with that Block / Object
# The RightClickGUIDelay is in MineCraft "ticks".  Changing this value will drastically alter the time it takes to open a Knapsack from within another Knapsack.
# By default, the delay should not be any shorter than 2 ticks.  Depending on your server, number of players as well as plug-ins you have installed, you may need
# to bump this value up a tick or too.  Knapsacks will not allow you to configure it <2 and >10.  And ten being extremely high!!!!!!
    Enabled: true
    RightClickGUIDelay: 2
      Anvil: true
      Bed: true
      BrewingStand: true
      Chest: true
      Dispenser: true
      Dropper: true      
      EnderChest: false
      EnchantmentTable: true
      Furnace: true      
      Hopper: true
      Lever: true      
      StoneButton: true
      TrapDoor: true
      WoodButton: true
      WorkBench: true      
    - wooden_door,true
    - dark_oak_door,true
    - jungle_door,true
    - spruce_door,true
    - birch_door,true
    - acacia_door,true
    - coal_block,true
    - wall_sign,true
    - sign_post,true
    - diamond_block,true
    - emerald_block,true
    - gold_block,true
    - iron_block,true
    - log,true
    - log_2,true
# AutoFill will allow players to set Knapsacks up as target storage areas both before and/or when their player inventory becomes full.
# If enabled, each player can set up to "MaxSacks" as their Fill-Chain.  Set to zero (0) to allow unlimited auto-fills, not suggested!!!
# The settings below are pretty self explanatory...
    Enabled: true    
    MaxSacks: 6
        Allow: true
      ExtendedMsg: true
      Flying: false
      Sprinting: false
      RidingAnimals: false
      RidingMinecarts: true
      Boats: true
# KnapsackInterface: KnapsackInterface is server and optionally means for players to link and interface shops, chests and other things to Knapsacks so Knapsack inventory can be used directly with said links.  Interfacing Knapsacks with shops (blocks, signs), chests, etc.. loads the Used Knapsacks Inventory into the Players Inventory.  The Knapsack in use is the only Knapsack available to the player (in their inventory).  Both inventories, knapsack in use and the players, are saved prior to mode engagement and updated and restored respectively upon mode dis-engagement.  The Knapsack that is currently in use can be viewed like Knapsacks can by right clicking it to open (in and outside of the gui).  However, because that Knapsack is in use with the EcoManager, the Knapsacks inventory is not directly available.  The players inventory is actually the same as the Knapsack that is in use (plus/minus) any inventory changes that took place prior to viewing it and or using the in-use Knapsack, dependent on Knapsack Size.
# Please see the Official Knapsack Interface & Links Project Page for all commands, permissions, features and all operations
# Enabled - Allow Knapsacks to be used with server/player shops, chests, etc..
# Tool - Default is Blaze Rod (369:0) - change this to your own liking, but it can not be a block.
# Command - The command is used as a means for a player to toggle the Interface Sack Mode where a linked shop, chest, etc.. is not available or that player does not have access to link their own chests to interface with Knapsacks.  Allowing the player the permission to this (command) will allow the player to use (/ks x [id]) to interface knapsack [id].
# UnavailableFiller:  This is the item that is placed in both Player an Knapsack inventory as slot fillers where items were and/or not available to the player during SackMode.  Regardless of what you put here, the quantity of that item will always be a zero(0) and is not droppable nor is it usable. The default is the (red stained glass pane).
# Messaging - Set enabled to have players or admins receive messaging when interacting with Interface commands, tools and transactions.  Change the messages to your liking.
# Where there is a %tag%, do not change the tagname (ie: %knapsack%).  You can change the position of the tag in the message, but do not remove the tag or it's prefix and suffix characters(%).
# Plugins - Because some plugin developers do not totally understand the event priorities, these priorities in said plugins take place prior to Knapsack Events.  Therefore, you may experience some shop or other plugins where the transaction does not take place (messaging of Interface Mode happens but not the shop transaction).  If this is the case, continue reading and add the plugin to the list.
# If you have any issues with a shop plugin, etc... add it's here and Knapsacks will attempt to intercept and allow the transaction to take place.
# If your not sure on the actual name, open the (.jar) of the plugin and open the (plugin.yml) file from the (.jar). The plugins name is at the top of the file and is the name you need to enter below.
# NOTE:  Your shop plugins will be have and transact as they are designed too.  However, if a player uses a Knapsack on one of these shops that is designated as a Knapsack Link (sackmode), and the plugin is not listed in the Plugins section below be aware that the player may actually get charged for a purchase or worse yet, get paid for something, and the physical transaction NEVER TAKES PLACE.  This is due to the prioritization of these other plugins, placing their interaction events higher than they should be, so Knapsack can not interact with it before it takes place.  Please see the Complete Project Page on Knapsack Linkage for futher details and questions...
# ESSENTIALS USERS:  If you use ESSENTIAlS on your server (most servers do) and you want to use Knapsacks with Essentials Signs, you ** DO NOT ** need to supply essentials as a plugin.  Essentials sets it event priorities within the tolerable ranges and therefore Knapsack events take place before Essential events do, in most cases.  All Essentials signs have been tested and perform as expected without the added interface and overhead.
# Full all the features, commands and permissions, please see the Official Knapsack Interface & Links Project Page
    Enabled: true
    LogAdminOverrides: true
    ListPageLimit: 10
    Tool: 369
    ToolNotInHand: '&cPut the &f%tool%&c in your hand first!'
    ToolNotHolding: '&cSack Link modes turned &7Off&c, your not holding the %tool%'
    Command: 'sackmode'
      SubId: 14
      DisplayName: 'SLOT IS NOT AVAILABLE'
        - 'UnAvailable SackMode Slots are filled in Red!'
        - 'Available slots are left of the Knapsack. Right-click the'
        - 'Knapsack to manage available slots in this Knapsack!'
        - '%knapsack% %(sackname)% is size: %size%'
        - 'Your holding this item in your inventory now'
        - 'You can not modify this slot or any other slot'
        - 'That is colored red.'
        - '%knapsack% %(sackname)% is size: %size%'
        - 'Stashed %knapsack% %(sackname)% of size %size%'
        - 'Stashed Knapsacks are not available while'
        - 'using a Knapsack in SackMode!'
        - ''
      Enabled: true
      ModeOnMsg: '&2Knapsack &f%mode% &2mode is &fOn&2. Punch block(s) to %mode%'
      ModeOffMsg: '&eKnapsack &f%mode% &eturned &fOff'
      SackModeOn: '&b%knapsack% &3in Sack Mode. Right-Click to transact, Punch to exit Sack Mode'
      SackModeTransact: '&3Placed inside &b%knapsack%'
      SackModeOff: '&b%knapsack% &3is no longer in Sack Mode.'
    - ShowcaseStandAlone
    - SignShop
    - ChestShop
# BlackListed allows you to configure global or server wide items that can never enter a Knapsack.
# Enter the BlackList items as names, not id numbers separated by a comma. If you choose not to enter any, use two single quotes ('')to complete the setting.
# USE THE MATERIALS LIST LINK ( ) as your source for Material/Item Names to enter below.
    Items: Tnt, Lava_Bucket, Water_Buket
# AllowSharing is pretty self explanatory but it will give players with the permission node (knapsacks.share) to share any knapsack they want using a command
# with other players, even if that other player does not have ( and/or permission nodes. The player who is opening the shared
# Knapsack will be able to modify the owners Knapsack, so be careful!!. The shared player will not be able to Rename, Remove or any other feature of that Knapsack!
  AllowSharing: true
# Allow Thieving allows players the option to attempt to steal from other peoples knapsacks when they don't have the respective sharing rights and/or when a player
# has defined items for a knapsack that are protected. As of 1.0.20 - Not Yet Implemented
  AllowThieving: false
# KeepOnDeath will allow players with the (knapsacks.keepondeath) permission node to keep any Knapsacks they have in inventory when they die.  If you want to disable keeping Knapsacks on death, set to false (as of 1.0.16a+).
# If you configure the server not to allow death sacks, players can then utilize the KnapsackRecovery Feature of the system where Knapsacks that are dropped on death have aging factor to them.  See the KnapsackRecovery Section below for more details.
# Add worlds to Disable that world from re-spawning Knapsacks when the player spawns in that world. Scenario might be a hub server where you don't want players
# to have Knapsacks in their inventory in the hub world and only in certain worlds beyond the hub.
    Enabled: true
    - fake_world1
    - fake_world2
# KnapsackRecovery: (1.0.22+)
# Knapsack recovery allows players to recover a potentially lost, misplaced or otherwise accidental misuse.  This option will help to restore that Knapsack back to its original owner(player).
# Under normal situations players SHOULD NOT BE LOSING their Knapsacks (especially since 1.0.20+ egg spawning protection was implemented).  The only reason a player would lose a Knapsack since 1.0.20, would be if the KeepOnDeath setting for a server is set to false and/or player does not have the keepondeath permission.  Players drop their Knapsacks when they die and never return for them.  There are two other situations, not mentioning here to avoid abuse, where it could happen.
# UnlimitedAge:  Setting this "true" will allow players to recover a Knapsack regardless of when it was dropped or lost
# MinAge      :  In days and setting this to 0(zero) will allow a player to recover a Knapsack immediately after losing it.
# MaxAge      :  In days and will allow a player to recover a lost Knapsack up to and including this number of days since it was dropped or lost
    Enabled: true
    NotInWorlds: hub
    UnlimitedAge: false
    MinAge: 0
    MaxAge: 18
# AllowOpenOnRightClick is a global setting that either enables or disables the ability for players to Right-Click a Knapsack from the Player Inventory GUI and open it.
# Along with this setting, if enabled (true), you can configure each Sack below to allow or disallow RightClick to Open it!
  AllowOpenOnRightClick: true
# ReservedNameTags allow you to define names that you don't want players to be able to use when renaming their knapsack. Not case Sensitive
# Maybe you want to use this as a sensor for language as I have them defined by default.
# Additionally, there are 4 System Reserved Name Tags that are not on this and don't have to be.  NEW, CRAFTED, < and > signs
# Add your own below separating each by a single comma.
# NOTE: If you do not have names or words to define here make sure the value reflects: ''.  Example: ReservedNameTags: ''
  ReservedNameTags: fuck,queer,fag,dick,cunt,asshole,pussy,gay,whore,slut,cumstain
# ReservedNameTagsPattern settings are: Any = Anywhere in the name, Beginning = Limit to just beginning of name, End = Limit to just the end of the name
  ReservedNameTagsPattern: Any
# MaxAllowablePlayerKnapsacks is the overall total knapsacks that a player can have, period.
  MaxAllowablePlayerKnapsacks: 45
# MaxEnabledPerSack limits players for each knapsack (sack) to a number that they can craft, give or have of that Knapsack(sack).
  MaxEnabledPerSack: true
# Worlds (1.0.12+): Adding world names here, separated by commas, will allow you to EXCLUDE those worlds from overall Knapsack interaction
# All other features of Knapsacks are still operational, players just cant move inventory to and from a Knapsack when in a excluded world.
# If you have no world exclusions, make sure the setting reflects: WorldExclusions: ''.
# NOTE: This is a global setting and will affect ALL Knapsacks.  If you prefer to restrict just a certain size Knapsack, exclude that size knapsack in the configuration of the Sacks below in the (NotInWorlds) setting further down.
  WorldExclusions: hub

Sounds Section:

# When setting the sound events, they do not have to be capitalized just spelled correctly AND underscored correctly. Knapsacks will take your setting
# and plug it into a special MineCraft variables that are used to define sounds and events.
# The sound events listed below are just a few of the sounds Knapsacks makes. More will be added with future upgrades to the plugin.
# They are pretty self explanatory in their naming so it should not be hard to decide on the changes for an event.  
# If you want to disable a specific event, place (NONE), no parenthesis, as the sound name.
# NOTE: Some of the same events are used on other events not defined below.
# NOTE: The default WRONG sound event is a BURP. So if you hear a burp you know the event name you entered IS WRONG!
  Enabled: true
  #default = 8
  DefaultVolume: 3
  #default = 1
  DefaultPitch: 2
    BadSackSize: Villager_No
    BadRename: Blaze_Death
    BlackListed: Donkey_Death
    CantClaim: Ghast_Charge
    CantGive: Anvil_Land
    CantOpenKnapsack: Fizz
    CantModifyKnapsack: Fuse
    CantMoveGeneral: Lava_Pop
    CantOpenOther: Enderdragon_Growl
    CantTakeFromChests: ENDERMAN_SCREAM
    CantUseAnvil: Wolf_Growl
    CantUseWorkbench: Wolf_Bark
    CantShare: Fall_Big
    CantStackKnapsacks: Wolf_Death
    CantStashKnapsacks: IRONGOLEM_DEATH
    CleanSackItemDrops: ENDERMAN_STARE
    ClearSack: SPLASH
    ClearSackDrops: SPLASH2
    InvalidCmd: Creeper_Hiss
    ItemPickup: ITEM_PICKUP
    KnapsackOpen: Bat_Loop
    KnapsackClose: Bat_Takeoff
    NoPermissions: Silverfish_Kill
    NoSeeSackIsInInv: Villager_Hit
    NoClaimSelf: Ghast_Scream
    NoClaimInv: Ghast_Scream2
    NoWorldUse: SLIME_ATTACK
    OnReSpawn: Portal_Trigger
    OpenOther: Villager_Yes
    Port2Player: Villager_Hit

Notification Services Section:

# Notification Services (1.0.12+) are the beginning of how you can interact with Knapsacks with customizing your messages and adding some control on specific
# events that takes place in/with Knapsacks.
# NotificationTag             : Gets added to beginning of the ExpiryMsg do reflect who is broadcasting this message to the player
# GeneralConsonleOn           : Should General Messages specific to Knapsacks and the player be shown in the console
# TaskConsoleOn               : Should the Task Scheduler messaging when player have notifications and expired Knapsacks be shown in the console. Suggest to leave Enabled
# Time-to-Delay               : Essentially an OnJoin Delay that represents the about of time (ticks) that will go by before the message is FIRST DISPLAYED to the
#                               player after logging onto the server!!!  NOTE: This setting also controls all the DELAYS for other tasks associated with the 
#                               Notification of Expired Knapsacks.
#                               150 equals about 7.5 seconds after joining the server.
# Time-to-Repeat              : Represents the about of time (ticks) that will go by before the message is REPEATED to the player.
#                               150 equals about 7.5 seconds after joining the server.
# Events                      : Specific to player interactions with Knapsacks
# Claimed
# Peeking
# Sharing
# Renaming
# RenamingOther
# Crafted
# Stealing
# Stashing
# Giving
# GivingTo
# Removing
# RemovingFrom
# Invalid
# BadSize
# Opening
# OpeningOther
# KnapsackExpire              : Beginning of the Knapsack Expiry Event
# ExpiryEnabled               : If set to false it will disable all Notification Messages and the Expired Knapsack List that is shown to players
#                               when they have expired Knapsacks. Disabling this also disables all Scheduler Tasks associated with expired knapsacks
# ExpiryMsg                   : This is the message displayed as the Notification when the player has expired Knapsacks.
# ExpiryConfirm               : The message that is displayed after the ExpiryCleanCmd is executed and ExpiryEnabled is ON
# ExpiryCleanOnConfirm        : Do you want Knapsacks to actually execute the clean up process when the clean-up command is used. Useful for
#                               certain servers. Default is always true(yes)
# ExpiryCleanItemPickupDelay  : How long does the player or other players have to wait until they can pick-up any items dropped from cleaned
#                               Knapsacks. If a player has the permission node (knapsacks.clean.drops) then any items stored in a Knapsack being
#                               cleaned will automatically be dropped to the player current location, regardless where the Knapsack is stored;-
#                               (on the player or back in a chest in their house or lost...)
# ExpiryListHeaderTag         : This is header for the expired knapsack list
# ExpiryListAboveBelow        : Where should the list output when enabled and showing to the player? Above the notification message (ExpiryMsg) or  
#                               Below it?
# ExpiryListOn                : Does the list get displayed to the player?
# ExpiryListOnce              : If ExpiryListOn is enabled do we only want to display the Expired Knapsack List once or every time the notification is
#                               displayed.
# ExpiryListAboveBelow        : Display the list about the initial notification message or below it
  NotificationTag: '&c[&aKnapsack Services&c]'
  StartupConsoleOn: true
  GeneralConsoleOn: true
  TasksConsoleOn: true
  SharesConsoleOn: true
  AutoFillsConsoleOn: true
  Time-to-Delay: 5
  Time-to-Repeat: 840
    SackOpenDeathMsg: '%player%&8, &ayou died with your Sack Open!\nAnything you were holding was DROPPED! use &7/back&a to retrieve your things!'
    Claimed: ''
    Peeking: ''
    Sharing: ''
    Renaming: ''
    RenamingOther: ''
    Crafted: ''
    Stealing: ''
    Stashing: ''
    Giving: ''
    GivingTo: ''
    Removing: ''
    RemovingOther: ''
    Invalid: ''
    BadSize: ''
    Opening: ''
    OpeningOther: ''
      ExpiryEnabled: true
      ExpiryMsg: 'The expired Knapsack list shows sacks that will be removed at logout. To keep them & their contents, open them. &cThis Message will repeat until Sacks are cleaned!'
      ExpiryConfirm: '&aKnapsack Cleanup Completed! Thank You!'
      ExpiryCleanCmd: 'cleanup'
      ExpiryCleanOnConfirm: false
      ExpiryCleanItemPickupDelay: 2800
      ExpiryAutoCleanAtLogout: false
      ExpiryListHeaderTag: '&cEXPIRED&b KNAPSACKS: &4(&9to be cleanup&4)'
      ExpiryListAboveBelow: 'Above'
      ExpiryListOn: true
      ExpiryListOnce: false

PlayerFeeds Section:

# Global Player Feeds are not yet implemented as of 1.0.9
#   - 1.0.11: Only active player feed that will output a message is if you open someone else's Knapsack, they will be informed.
#   - 1.0.12: No work performed on Global Feed as these WILL GO AWAY with new Notification Services implemented in 1.0.12+
#   - 1.0.13: TO BE DEPRECIATED
  Enabled: true
  NotifyOnGive: true
  NotifyOnOpen: true
  NotifyOnModify: true
  NotifyOnTakeOwnership: true
  NotifyOnRemoval: true

Knapsacks Section:

Only one Knapsack is listed, but all are configured the same

# Knapsack Settings and Configurations are as follows:
# As of version 1.0.1+ there are 6 available knapsacks (sacks) that can be defined which gives players up to 54 additional
# inventory slots.  Each knapsack is divisible by 9 slots regardless if you make a knapsack 15 or 8
# Future versions of Knapsacks (SpongeAPI) will have a new GUI (non-modified client) that will allow you to place a specific knapsack on your body
# and will have more than 54 total slots.  The sky will be the limit.... in addition to some realistic features of an actual Knapsack (weight...)
#  sack1:                                     Leave this alone!
#    Enable: true                             Enable/Disable Knapsack Crafting and Giving.  If a Knapsack is disabled players can still open/use them.
#    Size: 9                                  Represents the number of slots this Knapsack will have. Min. 9, Max. 54, Intervals of 9
#    Name: You Name the Knapsack              Length <=22; if greater than 22 characters it will be truncated to fit into the GUI with System Reserved Words
#    Material: MONSTER_EGG                    Use the Material Lookup links above to find the correct values
#    Durability: 95                           Use the Item ID Lookup links above to find the correct values, but if you look at mine you can see the differences
#                                             EX: For a Med. Yellow Sack of Monster Egg (see sack1 below) would be 383:65 (383 = MONSTER_EGG : 95 = DURABILITY)
#                                                 which is the WOLFEGG Spawn Item. Depending on the list you are looking at, it may be labels as a SPAWN_EGG
#                                             EX: WOOL is 35:1, Durability would be 1. (35:1). The default value for items with no durability is 0
#    Max-Weight: 92                           Determines the maximum weight this Knapsack can carry.  Not Yet Implemented but on its way and its looking sweet so far!!!
#    Max-Shares: 10                           Limits each Knapsack(sack) to number of people it can be shared with! Set to 0 (zero) for unlimited shares!
#    Allow-Theft: true                        Allows other players the ability to attempt to steal from this size Knapsack (not fully implemented yet)
#    NotInWorlds: worldname,worldname         Entering world names here allows you to limit where this Knapsack Size can be USED (inventory in/out of).
#                                             All other features of Knapsacks are still operational, player just can't move inventory to and from a Knapsack when
#                                             in a (NotInWorlds) world.  Separate each world name with a comma and no spaces.
#                                             NOTE: If you do not have worlds to define here make sure you have TWO single quotes as the value ('')
#    AllowRightClick                          Can this Sack be opened via the player using a right-click? Requires respective ( permission node
#    BlackListed                              Enter Material/Items here that you want to control globally that should never make its way into a Knapsack
#                                             MATERIALS LIST LINK ( )
#    AutoFillSackFirst               Allow the player to auto-fill their Knapsack(s) before filling player inventory? Your call.
#                                             If you choose to not allow this, you can still give players the permission node (knapsacks.autofill.flags.sacks)
#                                             that will allow them to toggle a flag (-first) for any/all of their Knapsack to achieve the same thing.
#                                             This is more of a global setting that affects ALL player Knapsacks and Auto Filling
#                                             If you have players that are using Knapsacks and you change the TypeId/Durability value, they will loose that
#                                             Knapsacks USE but not the contents.
# CAUTION:                           for packs/ids
#                                             Best thing to do is either give them the (knapsacks.see.self) node and/or let them expire and they can get their
#                                             contents back if you give them new (knapsacks.clean.drops) permission node.  Other wise it toast along with its contents.
# Upgrades are not yet implemented (close but not released yet. Working on Command and Anvil Upgrades)
#    Upgrades: 
#     Item: GOLD_NUGGET
#     Durability: 0
#     Amount: 65
# Recipe entries are as follows.  Each line represents a row in the crafting table with three comma separated items representing the crafting slots
# If you want to have an empty slot, JUST put the word (NONE), no parenthesis, in place of the material for that recipe line/row
# Here is an example of using Black Wool (see sack6 below), by adding the Material name followed by its typeID/durability value
#    Recipe:
#    - WOOL:15,CHEST,WOOL:15
    Enabled: true
    Size: 9
    Max: 5
    Name: Adventurer Pack
    Material: MONSTER_EGG
    Durability: 95
    Max-Weight: 92
    Max-Shares: 10
    Allow-Theft: true
    NotInWorlds: hub
    AllowRightClick: true
    BlackListed: rotten_flesh
    AutoFillSackFirst: false
    AllowTransformation: true
    # Upgrades: 
      # Item: GOLD_NUGGET
      # Durability: 0
      # Amount: 12