Configuration, Commands & Permissions

Luckily, the configuration, commands, and permissions are straightforward & simple.


ip-logging - Multiple account detector. If the plugin detects that a player's IP matches another player who connected to the server, it will notify you ingame. I just read the configuration and it is currently untested as of writing (4/21/12). If you find bugs with this, I suggest opening a issue at my GitHub (which can be located in tickets on this BukkitDev project).

death-kickmsg - The kick message users will receive if they die.

lightning-on-death - Flashes lightning at their death location if they die. WARNING: May start forest fires, or burn spawn buildings. Flag your WorldGuard regions accordingly so fire-spread isn't allowed.

messages - In a future update, you will be able to control whether to use the builtin messages in the plugin, or use your own message(s).

ban-length - How long the ban will last after they die. It is customizable to minutes, hours, and days. To set this properly, you must follow these guidelines:

For one day (default): set to 1d For one hour: set to 1h For one minute: set to 1m

It should be straightforward if you want to do 12 hours, or 24 minutes etc.


All commands are part of (/sban). So for example: if ban is listed here, you type /sban ban. If it said "ban <args>" you type it as /sban ban <args>.

Also to note, these commands work in console. This could potentially mean BuyCraft integration, or you could troll your players by simply banning them if they violate NoCheat too many times.

ban <player> - Bans the player manually. Equivalent to /slay <player> and only works for online players. Planning to change this behavior soon.

unban <player - Unbans the player. Works with offline players. Simply removes the ban to allow reconnection early.

reload - Allows reloading of the configuration.

These commands are practical if you have ip-logging, or multiple accounts detector enabled:

vlist - Displays players who are in custody of multiple accounts.

excuse <player> - Excuses the multi accounting player by changing the IP in the flatfile DB to the current account he/she is on. (Untested)


They're simple as ABCs.

sban.exempt - Exempt from being banned.

sban.iplog - Exempt from multiple account detector.

sban.commands - Can use ALL the commands mentioned above.