

With this plugin you can create your own Kin! After you create your kin you can invite other people to your kin and be the biggest and most powerful kin on the server. If you want to build your own base that other kins cannot build or destroy blocks in you can claim a chunk of land. Raiding is currently being worked on and will be implemented in the next build. This plugin is very lightweight and will hardly use any RAM or CPU. If you have any ideas, suggestions or find any bugs let me know.


  • /K Create - Create a new kin.
  • /K Info - Get your kins info.
  • /K Invite - Send a invite to your kin. (Requires Leader kin rank)
  • /K Claim - Claim a chunk of land. (Requires Leader kin rank)
  • /K Unclaim - Unclaim a chunk of land. (Requires Leader kin rank)
  • /K Quit - Quit your kin.
  • /K Yes - Accept a kin invite.
  • /K No - Decline a kin invite.


Simply download the jar file and drag it to your plugins folder.

Upcoming features:

  • Custom ranks in the kin.
  • Private kin chat.
  • Admin commands and permissions.


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