KingKits - By KingFaris10
There are 'extras' on the Spigot page with KingKits versions optimised for Java 8, or unsupported KingKits versions that are for 1.8 and 1.7. Click here
What is KingKits?
KingKits is not the ordinary kit plugins that allows players to use kits in PvP. This plugin is special as it has in-game commands that allows you to create kits and delete kits. You can also use /pvpkit <kit> or a sign to choose a kit.
- Multi-world support
- Kit command
- Sign kits
- Creating/deleting/renaming kits in-game
- Disabling/enabling commands
- QuickSoup to refill your health/hunger
- A refill command to refill your bowl(s)
- Economy: Cost per kits, money per kill, losing money per death.
- Easy configuration
- In-game configuration editing
- Killstreaks and scores
- Developer friendly (Open source code and hooks)
There are many more features so try out KingKits!
If economy is enabled in the config, Vault is required.
Creating KingKits signs
1. Place down a sign.
2. On the first line type "[Kit]" (configurable).
3. On the second line type the kit name.
4. On the other lines you can type whatever you like.
5. Right click on the sign to activate it.
Note - If your kit sign in the config is set to "[Kit]", you must disable Essentials kits for KingKits signs to work.
English tutorial by me -
Commands and Permissions
Kits Configuration:
Above v5.0.0: Dutch (thanks to Sammeeh):
Below v5.0.0: Italian:
You can modify the source code in any way as long as you don't claim this as your code and/or plugin.
You can use the source code from this plugin as long as you give credit to KingFaris10. You cannot just copy the whole plugin.
KingKits also has an API class that allows you to do many things, such as get player kits, create kits, delete kits, etc.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
You can opt out of this service by editing plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin updater to check for updates.
To disable update checking for KingKits only, set 'Updater.Enabled' in '/plugins/KingKits/config.yml' to false. To disable update checking for all plugins, set 'disable' to 'true' in 'plugins/Updater/config.yml'.
Feel free to post suggestions in the comments box! I'm always looking for new cool ideas so go ahead! I will read them ;)
Other plugins by KingFaris10
Check out all my other cool plugins!
AdminFun: | Let your admins have fun using awesome trolling/broadcast commands!
ItemRenamer: | Rename items (Supports colour codes) without the use of anvils! Also, you can add lores to your item.
EasyPermissionsEx: | Make all the commands easier and shorter for PermissionsEx and make life 100x times more easier =)
CommandPortals: | Link locations with commands and run commands when a player steps in a specific location.
The purpose of this plugin was to help PvP servers get a kit plugin that allows players to use kits with enchantments, lores and custom names. Also, if you do have a developer or you are one, you can make your own special abilities.
Q: My scoreboard's stuck when I deleted the plugin!
A: /scoreboard objectives remove KingKits
Q: It's saying I don't have permissions to use that kit even if I give them kingkits.kit.use!
A: Have you given them the permission node for the actual kit? kingkits.kits.<kit>.
Q: It's saying I don't have permission to use the command even if I give them kingkits.kits.<kit>!
A: Same as the previous answer, but give them kingkits.kits.use.
Q: I keep getting the error: "Could not load 'plugins/KingKits.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/faris/kingkits/KingKits : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at "
A: Calm down, you require Java 7, and running the server on Java 7. This is not much of a problem since most other plugins are built against Java 7. If you have Java 7 installed and it still comes up with this error, it means you have a previous version of Java installed (e.g. Java 6) as well as Java 7. Make sure to run your server on Java 7 by either changing the start-up script or contacting your host.
I'm fixing it. Will be in the new update.
v1.0.2 is the update that works!
@KingFaris10 The plugin works, but when I want to create the kit and put it on the board and I right click on it, it gives me nothing! for I did well / createkit Wither_archer, then the panels [Kit] and below Wither_archer, and I click done, it does not work!
yes i am also having this problem
Now i love The == ItemRenamer ==
I'll try the KingKits spesal
Oh so it is not in the newest update yet
Oh guys don't use these versions of my plugin! I uploaded a new version like 6hrs ago, it'll take a day to be approved. Just wait guys please.
Please wait patiently
What do you mean "folder", what folder? The PvP Kits plugin? That means you haven't uploaded the plugin properly.
The folder will not come
@ObservantCape79 "When i try to use it, it's not ther whet do i do?", erm what do you mean.
@quentin I'm not French... @eggegg123 Hmmm what... I'll try to check soon @Minecraft_Magmaz why not just give a whole group kingkits.kit.use and kingkits.kits.<kit>
When i try to use it, it's not ther whet do i do?
Kingfarris, When i test the kit it works. then i tried on a not opped account and it does not have the permissions. how to give a normal not-opped player standard permissions from the moment they login . so not mannually giving permissions but give everyone permissions. already thx!
ps: this plugin is very nice except from my problem above ;) keep it up ;)
Ummm How To Choose A New Kit? When I Die I Still Cant....?
PS : c'est pour le plugin KingsKits et KingsKits_special que sa ne marche pas
cela ne marche pas :'( sa marque que le plugin fonctionne mais quand j'entre dans mon serveur sa met PLEIN d'erreurs dans les logs :'( help me please !
Have you uploaded all the changes to it yet?
@McPhern123 I've changed everything you said =)
You download it on the top right of this page, it says "Download"