KingKits - By KingFaris10
There are 'extras' on the Spigot page with KingKits versions optimised for Java 8, or unsupported KingKits versions that are for 1.8 and 1.7. Click here
What is KingKits?
KingKits is not the ordinary kit plugins that allows players to use kits in PvP. This plugin is special as it has in-game commands that allows you to create kits and delete kits. You can also use /pvpkit <kit> or a sign to choose a kit.
- Multi-world support
- Kit command
- Sign kits
- Creating/deleting/renaming kits in-game
- Disabling/enabling commands
- QuickSoup to refill your health/hunger
- A refill command to refill your bowl(s)
- Economy: Cost per kits, money per kill, losing money per death.
- Easy configuration
- In-game configuration editing
- Killstreaks and scores
- Developer friendly (Open source code and hooks)
There are many more features so try out KingKits!
If economy is enabled in the config, Vault is required.
Creating KingKits signs
1. Place down a sign.
2. On the first line type "[Kit]" (configurable).
3. On the second line type the kit name.
4. On the other lines you can type whatever you like.
5. Right click on the sign to activate it.
Note - If your kit sign in the config is set to "[Kit]", you must disable Essentials kits for KingKits signs to work.
English tutorial by me -
Commands and Permissions
Kits Configuration:
Above v5.0.0: Dutch (thanks to Sammeeh):
Below v5.0.0: Italian:
You can modify the source code in any way as long as you don't claim this as your code and/or plugin.
You can use the source code from this plugin as long as you give credit to KingFaris10. You cannot just copy the whole plugin.
KingKits also has an API class that allows you to do many things, such as get player kits, create kits, delete kits, etc.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
You can opt out of this service by editing plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin updater to check for updates.
To disable update checking for KingKits only, set 'Updater.Enabled' in '/plugins/KingKits/config.yml' to false. To disable update checking for all plugins, set 'disable' to 'true' in 'plugins/Updater/config.yml'.
Feel free to post suggestions in the comments box! I'm always looking for new cool ideas so go ahead! I will read them ;)
Other plugins by KingFaris10
Check out all my other cool plugins!
AdminFun: | Let your admins have fun using awesome trolling/broadcast commands!
ItemRenamer: | Rename items (Supports colour codes) without the use of anvils! Also, you can add lores to your item.
EasyPermissionsEx: | Make all the commands easier and shorter for PermissionsEx and make life 100x times more easier =)
CommandPortals: | Link locations with commands and run commands when a player steps in a specific location.
The purpose of this plugin was to help PvP servers get a kit plugin that allows players to use kits with enchantments, lores and custom names. Also, if you do have a developer or you are one, you can make your own special abilities.
Q: My scoreboard's stuck when I deleted the plugin!
A: /scoreboard objectives remove KingKits
Q: It's saying I don't have permissions to use that kit even if I give them kingkits.kit.use!
A: Have you given them the permission node for the actual kit? kingkits.kits.<kit>.
Q: It's saying I don't have permission to use the command even if I give them kingkits.kits.<kit>!
A: Same as the previous answer, but give them kingkits.kits.use.
Q: I keep getting the error: "Could not load 'plugins/KingKits.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/faris/kingkits/KingKits : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at "
A: Calm down, you require Java 7, and running the server on Java 7. This is not much of a problem since most other plugins are built against Java 7. If you have Java 7 installed and it still comes up with this error, it means you have a previous version of Java installed (e.g. Java 6) as well as Java 7. Make sure to run your server on Java 7 by either changing the start-up script or contacting your host.
Thanks for looking into my issues, I really appreciate it.
Have you found what is causing the in-game message error of ""Error while trying to set your kit. Try using /pvpkit if it doesn't work". This happens when I or anyone else right clicks on the Kit sign.
I've removed the permission for anyone to actually type /pvpkit to alleviate the error from happening. Main reason for removing this is actually because i don't want them to be able to type it in the regular world or anywhere for that matter - so having the sign give the kit is the perfect alternative.
Any idea what's causing the error? A screenshot of it is attached.
All bugs known such as config bugs are fixed in 1.1.0!
1. "First off, my plugin list:" <- No problems with "conflict" plugins. This plugin doesn't conflict with any other plugins except the Essentials Kit sign.
2. "Here's what my console says after a fresh startup with your plugin installed:" <- No problems with KingKits. Doesn't say any errors after KingKits is enabled.
3. "Here's the main config i'm using:" <- No problems with that.
4. "Here's the kit config:" <- No problems with that except you should have a new blank line under the last line of the config.
5. "Here's the error I get when doing /reloadkits" <- This happens often if you reload the server and not restart. It's not really an error, don't worry. Also, I've fixed this in 1.0.9 but.. I'll check again.
6. "Here's the Errors" <- Thanks so much for telling me this. I would've never known, it was a stupid mistake I made.I'm fixing it in 1.1.0
7. Your permissions file is fine.
Thank you. I'll fix them all in 1.1.0
Hey King, having a few issues I was wondering if you could look into and tell me how to fix. Great plugin by the way, I tried using Battlekits before this and there was just too many bugs and it conflicted with some of my plugins, essentials and their /kit being the major one. KingKits seems to be the best alternative.
Anywho, on with my issues. Firstly, anytime I click on the kit sign that i've setup, I get an error in red text that says "Error while trying to set your kit. Try using /pvpkit if it doesn't work". I get the kit.. but that error comes up and it's rather annoying. Also, it spits out a severe error/warning in the console. (seen below)
Next, like some of the other users, I also am having issues with people being able to drop their inventories upon death, even when i've set it to false. They are also able to drop things from their inventory onto the ground. I know I can easily rg flag it to not allow-drops, just wanted to let you know it wasn't allowing from your config. I am really interested in getting the drops upon death removed, because drops pile up and cause lag :P Happens to players that are not OP. (and ops too)
Edit The one kit per life feature isn't working for me either for some reason... not quite sure. tested on non OP's they could get kits over and over.
Also, whenever I do a /reloadkits I get a small error, seen below.
If it makes it any easier to diagnose, i'm supplying you with several links to paste bins.
First off, my plugin list:
Here's what my console says after a fresh startup with your plugin installed:
Here's the main config i'm using:
Here's the kit config: (note- I also get the same errors when trying to do /pvpkit default - using your default setup...)
Here's the error I get when doing /reloadkits
Here's the Errors I get when doing /pvpkit warrior and /pvpkit default: (i tested your default to see if it spat out the same error… it did.)
Lastly, here's my permission setup: (you'll see that there is no access to your default kit here, I am not allowing that kit - i just used it as a test to see if it was giving errors for me (i'm op)) (30 minutes later..) I have updated my permission file to not allow the /kitpvp command so they only get stuff with signs, this is the current status of my permission file:
Sorry for so many paste's >_> I just wanted to give you enough to go on and try and help diagnose these issues. Keep up the great work on this plugin man, it's awesome!
Is there a way to refill soup? such as /stew /soup /refill - I didn't see it located anywhere here on your bukkit page, I wasn't sure if you had it buried or something. If you don't have a refill command, would it be possible to add one soon? It would be nice if you set it up so you could ONLY use that command once you get a kit.. because otherwise people could use it outside of PVP and in different worlds. Perhaps maybe you could add some "world specific" stuff to your config file, making it so we can configure these settings per world and disallow/allow in other worlds.
Keep up the great work! Sorry for the long message!
- Xotice
I've checked the code, it should work. I've changed the code a bit now, but even using 1.0.9 it should work. By the way, OPs bypass the drop items feature. I'm adding the OP Bypass config feature to work with it. I just don't want to release 1.1.0 because I want it to be a big update. I'm waiting for more ideas to pop in my mind.
I'll check it out. If you're correct and it doesn't work, I'll add it to a fix.
When i put the drop items on false, it stills dont work
Haven't you even touched the config yet? It's in the config.
How do you change so you dontdrop items? pls reply fast
@Candymeat That made no sense, but I'm guess you meant "Does it work with FastSoup?", I haven't tested it but there's no reason as to why it shouldn't. You actually gave me an idea, I might add in a quick soup feature built-in the plugin.
@AsteriskMC Read what Reverent said
I fixed it. The problem was that I was writing kingkits.kits.signs.use and kingkits.kits.signs.use instead of kingkits.kit.use and kingkits.kit.signs.use :D
I have the same problem as AsterikMC :( And I am using GroupManager too.
Alright im getting really mad, i'm giving my players the perms:
- kingkits.kits.archer - kingkits.kits.pvp - - kingkits.kits.archer - kingkits.kits.use - kingkits.kits.signs.use
And they still cant use the kits!! Please help! Using GroupManager!
Hi i really like this plugin :D But i got one question. Works FastSoup with this plugin? and if it dont can you fix it? :)
Suggestions? Bugs?
Fixed all the bugs you guys have sent me in the new v1.0.7 KingKits!
Download will be up when Bukkit staff approve the file. I've already uploaded it. I hope this fixes your problem @stormneo7
@XvBaseballkid12vX Remember, kingkits.KITS.<kit> not kingkits.KIT.<kit> (all lower case also)
1.0.6 has the fixed permissions! It's kingkits.kits.<kitname>
Guys didn't you read that BIG comment saying KingKits v1.0.6 is out?
Hey can you make a permission for every kit. Example: kingkits.kit.<own random kit>
LG Light