
Info about the plugin

This plugin assists in keeping the server clean from cursing and name calling. Use it to filter bad words on your server and prevent people from spamming signs, books, chat and inventory! Basic bad word and allowed word lists let you customize all types of words for filtering.

Config options to set kick options based on count of offenses. Plug also filters CAPS in chat based on 15% of the text that is typed. This can be configured in options as well if you want to allow more or less. Custom warning messages also configurable in config.yml file in case you want to swap the messages shown to users upon offense.

Basic User Commands:

/keepitclean - View how many warnings you have, view plugin info and commands available based on permissions granted.
/keepitclean warnings - View your warnings and status.

Administration Commands:

/keepitclean add <word> - Adds a new word to the list to be blocked.
/keepitclean allow <word> - Add an allowed word to the list. Used to override restricted words.
/keepitclean delete <word> - Deletes a word from the word list. (Checks both allowed and deny lists)
/keepitclean exempt <player> - Adds player to exempt list. Chat will still be filtered but user will not receive warning.
/keepitclean notexempt <player> - Removes player from exempt list.
/keepitclean clear <player> - Clears a players total warnings. Does not erase from logs.
/keepitclean eraselogs - Wipes the warnings logged. (Does not affect player warning count)
/keepitclean vw (page) & /keepitclean viewwarnings (page) - Shows the latest flagged items in the system. (Explicit! Grant permissions with care!)
/keepitclean pi <player> & /keepitclean playerinfo <player> - Shows the warning stats of the specified player.
/keepitclean warn <player> <reason> - Manually add a warning to the system with details. In case they bypass the filter.


keepitclean.user: User defined functions (/keepitclean and /keepitclean warnings).
keepitclean.add: Allows user to add words to list.
keepitclean.delete: Allows user to delete word from list.
keepitclean.exempt: Adds player exemption to exempt list.
keepitclean.notexempt: Removes players from exempt list.
keepitclean.clear: Resets specified players warnings.
keepitclean.allow: Add an allowed word to the list. Used to override restricted words. (hello while hell is blocked)
keepitclean.wordlist: Shows the current word lists in the system.
keepitclean.viewwarnings: Shows the latest flagged items in the system.
keepitclean.eraselogs: Wipes the warnings logged. (Does not affect player warning count)
keepitclean.playerinfo: Shows the warning stats of the selected player.
keepitclean.warn: Warn player that a word used was offensive.
keepitclean.see: Ability to receive alerts when players are warned. (KeepItClean: <player> has been warned)
keepitclean.explicitnotify: Ability to receive explicit alerts when players are warned. (Actual text the user typed)
keepitclean.*: User will have all permissions granted with this assigned.


- Want to block ass but not assume, grass and glass? Add ass via "/ns add ass" but then allow those other words in generic format "/ns allow assum" (this acts like *assum* so assumptions, assume, assuming will be covered and allowed but ass will still be blocked.). Lots of combinations already created in default config. Most bypasses already allowed at this point due to months of testing on live server!

Current MCStats

This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server This is anonymous data and is only used to show current servers that use the plugin for validation. You can disable it by setting the pluginmetrics/config.yml opt-out setting to true.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 4, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 20, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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