main/Example Configuration

#The message someone sees if they get kicked to make room for a higher rank.
kick-message-if-online: '&cYou have been kicked to make room for a &f%tier%&c.'
#The message someone sees if they can't log in at all.
kick-message-if-full: '&cSorry, the server is currently full.'
#Login tiers. Format: <name>: '<weight value>'
#The higher the weight, the better.
#Weights under 100 will kick the lowest ranking person on the server to log in.
#Weights over 100 will be allowed to log in without kicking anyone.
#Give people the permission node 'oklogintiers.tiers.<name>'
#Ex.: oklogintiers.tiers.Veteran = weight 2
#People can have multiple tiers. The one with the highest weight will be picked.
    Member: '1'
    Veteran: '2'
    Moderator: '101'
    Admin: '102'
    SuperOwner: '9999'
#Should we enable anonymous stat tracking? :)
enable-anonymous-stat-tracking: 'true'
#Shows more details in console output (Useful if you have problems of any kind)
verbose-log: 'false'
# OP always have weight fixed to 100
op-always-join: 'true'


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