Config File

Config File

This is the config file... Now i'm going to explain everything, that's in it.


reload: §aPlugin reloaded!
no permission: §cYou don't have permission!

These are the messages. You can change them to whatever you want, may you don't add an '&' into it, it wont work however...


Wood_Up: 1.0
Wood_Side: 0.5
Stone_Up: 1.5
Stone_Side: 1.0

This part of the config file, sets the amount of blocks you will be thrown. 1.0 doesn't mean one block, it means... don't know just test it xD. Never use 1,2,3... always use a comma, like 1.0 you can also use 1.4 or 6.9


Wood: true
Stone: true

If you want to enable or disable some kind of pressure plate, you can do it here! Just set it to true or false.



Here you can set the block needed under a pressure plate to make it work. Just write the name of the block there. But write it all UPPERCASE. Here's a list of BlockNames.


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