
JukeboxChanger extends the functionality of the Minecraft Jukebox by adding the ability to play a sequence of records without player intervention. In effect it changes the Jukebox ''Player'' into a record ''Changer.''


Just drop the .jar into your plugins directory and restart the server. There is one configurable parameter, the LockBlock option. By default, the lockblock is a diamond block, or you can specify a block type of your own choice in the config.yml file with LockBlock: <material-name>.

Permissions: jukebox.admin: op A player will require this permission, or ops, to start or stop an always-play jukebox.


To set up the Jukebox Changer, you must place a single chest next to the jukebox. Note that double chests are not explicitly supported at this time. If a doublechest exists next to the jukebox, the changer will only look at the side of the doublechest that is adjacent.

Adjacent means next to one of the four Jukebox faces or underneath it. Diagonal placement of the chest containing the record selections is not supported.

Place one or more records in the adjacent chest. An empty chest does not define a JukeboxChanger, and any Jukebox placed next to an empty chest will function as an ordinary jukebox until you place records in the chest and start the Jukebox.

Placing the lock block (default is a diamond block) underneath the Jukebox defines it as an always-play box. Normally, a jukebox will stop playing when its containing chunk is swapped out, such as when the player wanders too far away. This behavior prevents the world from being littered with jukeboxes still playing merely because the user never bothered to turn it off, and saves the time the server would spend processing these active jukeboxes. An always-play jukebox, on the other hand, remains in standby mode when its chunk is not active, and resumes play when its chunk is reloaded. If the server is halted while an always-play jukebox is playing, its location is saved in an autoplay: list in the config.yml file, and the box will be automatically restarted when the server is restarted. A player must have admin permission to start or stop an always-play jukebox.

Note that when a player re-approaches an already playing jukebox, due to limitations in the minecraft code itself, the player will not hear the jukebox until it starts another record. This is not because of the plugin code and cannot be fixed.


To begin play, right-click the Jukebox. It doesn't matter what you're holding. In particular, you need not (and should not) be holding a record when right-clicking on the jukebox. Hopefully, if you're holding a record when you right-click, the plugin will ignore the record you're holding, as only records in the feeder chest will be played. Right-clicking while the Jukebox is playing will skip to the next record.

To stop play, left-click the Jukebox. This differs from standard Jukebox behavior where a right-click is used to both start and stop play. Also note that there is no "eject" function, and the JukeboxChanger will not discharge any record it uses from the chest.

To change the JukeboxChanger's play list, first stop the Jukebox. Then you may freely add to, remove from, and alter the sequence of records in the feeder chest. Start the JukeboxChanger after making your changes to the record selection. Note that the JukeboxChanger will ''ignore'' any changes to the contents of the feeder chest while it is playing records. The JukeboxChanger loads the records in the chest into its memory when starting play, and ignores the chest until the jukebox is started again.

Using Redstone

A jukebox changer can be started with a redstone signal. Just connect redstone wire (redstone dust placed on top of a block) to any face of the jukebox. A redstone signal will start jukebox play. Dropping the signal will NOT stop the jukebox; it will continue playing until the containing chunk is swapped out, or play is stopped by left-clicking (punching) the jukebox.

Note that redstone can start an always-play jukebox without regard to jukebox.admin permissions, since redstone signals are not directly associated with any player. If you don't want arbitrary people starting your always-play jukebox, either don't use redstone or restrict access to the redstone switch.

Normal Jukeboxes

A normal jukebox is considered to be any jukebox without an adjacent chest, or where any such chest is empty of records. A normal jukebox will operate like any conventional Minecraft Jukebox. You must right-click while holding a record to start play. It will stop play when the record ends, and then remain silent. You must right-click again to eject the record.


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