What is it?
This is a plugin that allows you to customize the single plugin that shows when a player executes /pl or /plugins, allowing you to be able to trick your players into thinking you are an amazing programmer that created the entire server's plugins yourself, or just to have a better way of not letting them see the real plugins.
pluginName: <Plugin Name> #Above, you can define the name of the only plugin that shows up in your plugins list.
- /pl - Displays your one plugin in the format of the regular /pl command.
- /plugins - Displays your one plugin in the format of the regular /plugins command.
- jop.use - Allows the player to use /pl and /plugins
No conflicts are currently known, but it is very possible that there are some. Please comment or make a ticket if you find one.
This doesn't do that. It simply gets the string in the config and outputs it to the user in a new, overriding, /pl command.
For now, the number one is hardcoded in. What I'll end up doing is looking at how many commas there are in the string in the config, and add one, then get that number and put it instead of one, that'll be coming up in a while.
Plugin is great, exactly what I was looking for.
However, when I add multiple plugins with commas, the amount of plugins on the list doesn't change.
My config has EpicPlugin
In-game, when they type /pl, it shows Plugins(1): EpicPlugin
My config has EpicPlugin, CrapPlugin
In-game, when they type /pl, it shows Plugins(1): EpicPlugin, CrapPlugin
I need it to be Plugins(2): EpicPlugin, CrapPlugin
It has STILL not been approved =/
EDIT: Approved now :)
I cant download it
Here's a little hint: In the plugin space on the config.yml, you can put multiple plugins, seperated by commas :)
Suggestions: List of plugins (not only one, maybe it will break with the name of the plugin u.u)
Will take into account :)
Suggestions: - Bypass Permissions -