
This plugin is not like any other plugin, as it doesn't have ANY in-game features. It is aimed at users who host their servers on a home computer. So, what it does, is it plays a sound bite (through the console) every time a player joins the server. The sound bite is from Google Translate Text-to-Speech, and says "<player name> joined your Minecraft server! Check it out!". This is useful for people who often do stuff, while not paying attention to the server, such as playing on another server, watching a YouTube video, and stuff like that. I believe that's it. Also, the reason why the file size of the plugin is so large, is because it contains the JLayer library, that is responsible for playing the sound.

It also fakes the user agent of the plugin to Chrome 14, on Windows 7 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.815.0 Safari/535.1).


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