Attention Plugin dont work with NoteblockAPI 1.6.1. This Issue is fixed in NoteblockAPI
For support join my Discord server.
Englisch is below
- Spielt Musik wenn ein User den Server betritt
- Du must eine .nbs Datei in den Ortner vom Plugin tun. Dann must du den Namen in die config.yml hinzufügen
- Eine Liste mit .nbs Datein
Du kannst wenn du in der config.yml den Wert auf true stellst in den Ordner "random" (bzw. was du in die config eingetragen hast unter ganz viele .nbs Dateien legen und es wird automatisch ein Song ausgewählt wenn du den Server beitrittst ab Version 4.0
- Download die letzte PlayMusik.jar Datei
- und die NotBlockAPI
- Stop den Server
- Lege die JoinMusic.jar und die NoteBlockAPI in den /plugins Ordner
- Starte deinen Server neu
- Play a .nbs file for players that join your server
- You need to add .nbs Files in the folder from the plugin. Then you need to add the Name in the config.yml
- a list with .nbs Files
If you set the value "" to true in the config.yml and place in the folder "random" (or what you have entered in the config.yml under a lot of .nbs files and it will be automatic selected one Song when joining the Server from version 4.0
- Download the latest PlayMusic.jar File.
- and the NotBlockAPI
- Stop your server.
- Put the JoinMusic.jar and the NoteBlockAPI file into your /plugins folder.
- Start your server.
Links to this Project | Links zu diesem Projekt
To do List
add Updateradd JoinMusikadd Messages to configadd Config reload commandfix twice playing- <- To do List
JoinMusik implements Gravity's Updater, which is used for informing you only and you can downloading it for your own. If you don't want to have the plugin updated info , set 'update-check' and 'updateinfo' to false in the configuration file. set 'update-check' to true and 'updaterinfo' to false than you can see it only in the Console if an update available
This plugin utilises Metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to after Version v2.2:
By default, bStats sends the following data:
- Your server's randomly generated UUID
- The amount of players on your server
- The online mode of your server
- The bukkit version of your server
- The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
- The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
- The version of your OS
- The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
- The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
- bStats-supported plugins
- Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins
- Note, that plugin authors can send custom data, too. All data is public so you can see which data they send. Also notice all sent data is anonymous and we do NOT link the sent information with the server (e.g. server xyz is using plugin zyx) and we also do NOT store the ip of your server.
- You can disable Metrics by setting "options.Metrics" in the config.yml to false!
Hey, amazing work!
I am not sure if you're still working on this project, but a feature to chose a .nbs file at random from a folder would also be amazing (so you get a different song each time you join or after a set amount of time has passed).
Keep up the great work.
Ps. Maybe also a command like '/jm stop'
In reply to ham0osh:
Feature requets are welcome i copy your wish to:
Because i dont get any notifications from if someone comments here
In reply to TobiiiasLive:
There u go. i added all of your features in Version 4.0
What do you mean? The Plugin is not Uptodate but i can still make changes. I dont know what you mean explain it to me please.
Have you added it into the Plugin yet?
- MysticQuack
its only supports .nbs Flies or if the NoteBockAPI supports midi files dont sure.
i can add a time or limit than the song stop.
Very x-mas
will this support midi?
can you make it to where stop if you enter a other world or can you limit how long the song plays?
okay i have a look to it in this week have a nice day
Then create a hashmap
i dont can use it because i used the PlayJoinEvent and i have there used the varibale Song s = NBSDecoder.parse(new File( plugin.getDataFolder()+"/" + plugin.getConfig().getString("musik"))); but i cant use this in PLayerQuitEvent
@tobiasthebestmc Use song.destroy or songplayer.remove(player) when someone disconnects.
sorry i dont have any idea to fix this bug
Okay thx
Hi,I found a bug , When i join the game and disconnect , rejoin again the song will play twice