
JGroupChat is a simple plugin where you can create a group chat and still have access to the main chat. With your chat created, you can invite players and send a message to players in the chat with the command '/c [message]' and still have access to the main chat, and new to JGroupChat 4.0, if you use '/Jgc Toggle' your chat line without '/c' will be sent to your group chat, although you will loose the ability to send main chat messages, you can still see other player's main chat messages. All commands and permissions can be seen below.

Every permission below can be obtained with 'jgroupchat.*'

The User permissions below can be obtained with 'jgroupchat.user'

User CommandsDescriptionPermissions
/JGroupChat or /JgcA list of JGroupChat permissions and command
/C [Message]Send a message to players in your current group chat, if on togglejgroupchat.chat (Default:true)
/Jgc Create [Chat]Create a group chatjgroupchat.create (Default: true)
/Jgc LeaveLeave your current group chatjgroupchat.leave (Default: true)
/Jgc ToggleToggle between using '/C' or normal chat to send messagesjgroupchat.toggle (Default: true)
/Jgc Invite [Player]Invite a player to your chat if you are a chat ownerjgroupchat.invite (Default: true)
/Jgc AcceptAccept an invite requestjgorupchat.accept (Default: true)
/Jgc DenyDecline an invite requestjgroupchat.deny (Default: true)
/Jgc ListA list of all players in your current chatjgroupchat.list (Default: true)
/Jgc Remove [Player]Remove a player from your chat if you are a chat ownerjgroupchat.remove (Default: true)
/Jgc AddOwner [Player]Add an owner to your current chat if you are a chat ownerjgroupchat.addowner (Default: true)
Colored chat and chat namesjgroupchat.color (Default: op)
Formatted chat and chat namesjgroupchat.format (Default: op)
Magic chat and chat namesjgroupchat.magic (Default: op)

The Admin permissions below can be obtained with 'jgroupchat.admin.*'

Admin CommandsDescriptionPermissions
The ability to invite a player to a chat if not chat ownerjgroupchat.invite.override (Default: op)
The ability to remove a player from a chat if not chat ownerjgroupchat.remove.override (Default: op)
/Jgc ReloadReload the JGroupChat configjgroupchat.admin.reload (Default: op)
/Jgc Join [Chat]Join a chatjgroupchat.admin.join (Default: op)
/Jgc ChatListA list of all chatsjgroupchat.admin.chatlist (Default: op)
/Jgc Info Player/Chat [Player]/[Chat]Get info on chat chat a player is in or what players are in a chatjgroupchat.admin.info (Default: op)
/Jgc Clear Player/Chat [Player]/[Chat]Remove a player from a chat or remove a chatjgroupchat.admin.clear (Default: op)


The help messages color can be changed at MessageColor: using the color and format codes &0-9, &a-f, and &k-o. Default is &f

The max chat character length, not counting color, format, and magic codes, can be configured at MaxChatCharacters:. Default is 16

To only allow chat owners to send invites or to allow any player to send invites you can change OwnerInvite:. Default is true

To use a player's username set UseDisplayName: to false and to use display names set it to true. Default is true

You can change the group chat chat line at ChatLine:. Default is "%chatName&f: <%playerName> %chatLine"


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 13, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 30, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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